Raster image manipulation
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Import Sedona¶
from sedona.spark import *
from IPython.display import display, HTML
Create a Sedona Context object.¶
If you already have a spark instance available, simply use SedonaContext.create(spark)
config = (
sedona = SedonaContext.create(config)
sc = sedona.sparkContext
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/home/jovyan/spark-3.4.2-bin-hadoop3/jars/ivy-2.5.1.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
Ivy Default Cache set to: /home/jovyan/.ivy2/cache The jars for the packages stored in: /home/jovyan/.ivy2/jars org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-3.4_2.12 added as a dependency org.datasyslab#geotools-wrapper added as a dependency uk.co.gresearch.spark#spark-extension_2.12 added as a dependency :: resolving dependencies :: org.apache.spark#spark-submit-parent-1ba43c79-c5b5-45c3-8320-61322bde74a8;1.0 confs: [default] found org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-3.4_2.12;1.6.0 in central found org.apache.sedona#sedona-common;1.6.0 in central found org.apache.commons#commons-math3;3.6.1 in central found org.locationtech.jts#jts-core;1.19.0 in central found org.wololo#jts2geojson;0.16.1 in central found org.locationtech.spatial4j#spatial4j;0.8 in central found com.google.geometry#s2-geometry;2.0.0 in central found com.google.guava#guava;25.1-jre in central found com.google.code.findbugs#jsr305;3.0.2 in central found org.checkerframework#checker-qual;2.0.0 in central found com.google.errorprone#error_prone_annotations;2.1.3 in central found com.google.j2objc#j2objc-annotations;1.1 in central found org.codehaus.mojo#animal-sniffer-annotations;1.14 in central found com.uber#h3;4.1.1 in central found net.sf.geographiclib#GeographicLib-Java;1.52 in central found com.github.ben-manes.caffeine#caffeine;2.9.2 in central found org.checkerframework#checker-qual;3.10.0 in central found com.google.errorprone#error_prone_annotations;2.5.1 in central found org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-common-3.4_2.12;1.6.0 in central found commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6 in central found org.scala-lang.modules#scala-collection-compat_2.12;2.5.0 in central found org.beryx#awt-color-factory;1.0.0 in central found org.datasyslab#geotools-wrapper;1.6.0-28.2 in central found uk.co.gresearch.spark#spark-extension_2.12;2.11.0-3.4 in central found com.github.scopt#scopt_2.12;4.1.0 in central :: resolution report :: resolve 2131ms :: artifacts dl 92ms :: modules in use: com.github.ben-manes.caffeine#caffeine;2.9.2 from central in [default] com.github.scopt#scopt_2.12;4.1.0 from central in [default] com.google.code.findbugs#jsr305;3.0.2 from central in [default] com.google.errorprone#error_prone_annotations;2.5.1 from central in [default] com.google.geometry#s2-geometry;2.0.0 from central in [default] com.google.guava#guava;25.1-jre from central in [default] com.google.j2objc#j2objc-annotations;1.1 from central in [default] com.uber#h3;4.1.1 from central in [default] commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6 from central in [default] net.sf.geographiclib#GeographicLib-Java;1.52 from central in [default] org.apache.commons#commons-math3;3.6.1 from central in [default] org.apache.sedona#sedona-common;1.6.0 from central in [default] org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-3.4_2.12;1.6.0 from central in [default] org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-common-3.4_2.12;1.6.0 from central in [default] org.beryx#awt-color-factory;1.0.0 from central in [default] org.checkerframework#checker-qual;3.10.0 from central in [default] org.codehaus.mojo#animal-sniffer-annotations;1.14 from central in [default] org.datasyslab#geotools-wrapper;1.6.0-28.2 from central in [default] org.locationtech.jts#jts-core;1.19.0 from central in [default] org.locationtech.spatial4j#spatial4j;0.8 from central in [default] org.scala-lang.modules#scala-collection-compat_2.12;2.5.0 from central in [default] org.wololo#jts2geojson;0.16.1 from central in [default] uk.co.gresearch.spark#spark-extension_2.12;2.11.0-3.4 from central in [default] :: evicted modules: org.checkerframework#checker-qual;2.0.0 by [org.checkerframework#checker-qual;3.10.0] in [default] com.google.errorprone#error_prone_annotations;2.1.3 by [com.google.errorprone#error_prone_annotations;2.5.1] in [default] --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | modules || artifacts | | conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded| --------------------------------------------------------------------- | default | 25 | 0 | 0 | 2 || 23 | 0 | --------------------------------------------------------------------- :: retrieving :: org.apache.spark#spark-submit-parent-1ba43c79-c5b5-45c3-8320-61322bde74a8 confs: [default] 0 artifacts copied, 23 already retrieved (0kB/13ms) 24/05/22 17:58:48 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Setting default log level to "WARN". To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
Read GeoTiff files¶
geotiff_df = sedona.read.format("binaryFile").load("data/raster/test5.tiff")
+--------------------+-------------------+------+--------------------+ | path| modificationTime|length| content| +--------------------+-------------------+------+--------------------+ |file:/home/jovyan...|2024-05-22 17:49:30|209199|[4D 4D 00 2A 00 0...| +--------------------+-------------------+------+--------------------+
Create raster columns from the read binary data¶
raster_df = sedona.sql("SELECT RS_FromGeoTiff(content) as raster from binary_raster")
[Stage 4:> (0 + 1) / 1]
+--------------------+ | raster| +--------------------+ |GridCoverage2D["g...| +--------------------+
Operate on rasters using Sedona¶
Once a raster column is created, you're now free to use the entire catalog of Sedona's raster functions. The following part of notebook contains a few examples.
Access raster metadata¶
RS_MetaData can be used to view the loaded raster's metadata (orientation and georeferencing attributes).
raster_metadata = sedona.sql("SELECT RS_MetaData(raster) as metadata from raster_table")
metadata = raster_metadata.first()[0]
raster_srid = metadata[8]
[-180.0, 90.0, 1440.0, 720.0, 0.25, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 4326.0, 1.0]
Visualize rasters¶
Sedona 1.5.0 provides multiple ways to be able to visualize rasters. Throughout this notebook, RS_AsImage will be used to visualize any changes to the rasters.
SedonaUtils.display_image(raster_df.selectExpr("RS_AsImage(raster, 500)"))
rs_asimage(raster, 500) | |
0 |
Join based on raster predicates¶
Sedona 1.5.0 now supports join predicates between raster and geometry columns.
Below is a simple example that carves a small rectangle from the existing raster and attempts to join it with the original raster
(width, height) = sedona.sql(
"SELECT RS_Width(raster) as width, RS_Height(raster) as height from raster_table"
(p1X, p1Y) = sedona.sql(
f"SELECT RS_RasterToWorldCoordX(raster, {width / 2}, {height / 2}) \
as pX, RS_RasterToWorldCoordY(raster, {width / 2}, {height / 2}) as pY from raster_table"
(p2X, p2Y) = sedona.sql(
f"SELECT RS_RasterToWorldCoordX(raster, {(width / 2) + 2}, {height / 2}) \
as pX, RS_RasterToWorldCoordY(raster, {(width / 2) + 2}, {height / 2}) as pY from raster_table"
(p3X, p3Y) = sedona.sql(
f"SELECT RS_RasterToWorldCoordX(raster, {width / 2}, {(height / 2) + 2}) \
as pX, RS_RasterToWorldCoordY(raster, {width / 2}, {(height / 2) + 2}) as pY from raster_table"
(p4X, p4Y) = sedona.sql(
f"SELECT RS_RasterToWorldCoordX(raster, {(width / 2) + 2}, {(height / 2) + 2}) \
as pX, RS_RasterToWorldCoordY(raster, {(width / 2) + 2}, {(height / 2) + 2}) as pY from raster_table"
geom_wkt = f"SRID={int(raster_srid)};POLYGON (({p1X} {p1Y}, {p2X} {p2Y}, {p3X} {p3Y}, {p4X} {p4Y}, {p1X} {p1Y}))"
geom_df = sedona.sql(f"SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT('{geom_wkt}') as geom")
joined_df = sedona.sql(
"SELECT g.geom from raster_table r, geom_table g where RS_Intersects(r.raster, g.geom)"
+--------------------+ | geom| +--------------------+ |POLYGON ((-0.25 0...| +--------------------+
Interoperability between raster and vector data types¶
Sedona allows for conversions from raster to geometry and vice-versa.
Convert a raster to vector using convex hull¶
A convex hull geometry can be created out of a raster using RS_ConvexHull
Additionally, if a raster has noDataValue specified, and you wish to tighten the convexhull to exclude noDataValue boundaries, RS_MinConvexHull can be used.
raster_convex_hull = sedona.sql(
"SELECT RS_ConvexHull(raster) as convex_hull from raster_table"
raster_min_convex_hull = sedona.sql(
"SELECT RS_MinConvexHull(raster) as min_convex_hull from raster_table"
+-------------------------------------------------------+ |convex_hull | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |POLYGON ((-180 90, 180 90, 180 -90, -180 -90, -180 90))| +-------------------------------------------------------+
[Stage 15:> (0 + 1) / 1]
+-------------------------------------------------------+ |min_convex_hull | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |POLYGON ((-180 90, 180 90, 180 -90, -180 -90, -180 90))| +-------------------------------------------------------+
Convert a geometry to raster (Rasterize a geometry)¶
A geometry can be converted to a raster using RS_AsRaster
rasterized_geom_df = sedona.sql(
"SELECT RS_AsRaster(ST_GeomFromWKT('POLYGON((150 150, 220 260, 190 300, 300 220, 150 150))'), r.raster, 'b', 230) as rasterized_geom from raster_table r"
24/05/22 17:59:36 WARN VectorToRasterProcess: coercing double feature values to float raster values
+--------------------+ | rasterized_geom| +--------------------+ |GridCoverage2D["g...| +--------------------+
rasterized_geom_df.selectExpr("RS_AsImage(rasterized_geom, 250) as rasterized_geom")
24/05/22 17:59:36 WARN VectorToRasterProcess: coercing double feature values to float raster values
rasterized_geom | |
0 |
Perform Map Algebra operations¶
Sedona provides two ways to perform Map Algebra on rasters:
- Using RS_MapAlgebra (preferred for simpler algebraic functions)
- Using RS_BandAsArray and array based map algebra functions such as RS_Add, RS_Multiply (Useful for complex algebriac functions involving mutating each grid value differently.)
The following example illustrates how RS_MapAlgebra can be used. This example uses jiffle script to invert the colors of the above illustrated rasterized geometry.
raster_white_bg = rasterized_geom_df.selectExpr(
"RS_MapAlgebra(rasterized_geom, NULL, 'out[0] = rast[0] == 0 ? 230 : 0;') as raster"
raster_white_bg.selectExpr("RS_AsImage(raster, 250) as resampled_raster")
24/05/22 17:59:37 WARN VectorToRasterProcess: coercing double feature values to float raster values ANTLR Tool version 4.7.1 used for code generation does not match the current runtime version 4.9.3 ANTLR Runtime version 4.7.1 used for parser compilation does not match the current runtime version 4.9.3 ANTLR Tool version 4.7.1 used for code generation does not match the current runtime version 4.9.3 ANTLR Runtime version 4.7.1 used for parser compilation does not match the current runtime version 4.9.3
resampled_raster | |
0 |
Resample a raster.¶
Sedona 1.5.0 supports resampling a raster to different height/width or scale. It also supports changing the pivot of the raster.
Refer to RS_Resample documentation for more details.
This simple example changes the resolution of the loaded raster to 1000*1000
resampled_raster_df = sedona.sql(
"SELECT RS_Resample(raster, 1000, 1000, false, 'NearestNeighbor') as resampled_raster from raster_table"
"RS_AsImage(resampled_raster, 500) as resampled_raster"
resampled_raster | |
0 |
"RS_MetaData(resampled_raster) as resampled_raster_metadata"
+------------------------------------------------------------------+ |resampled_raster_metadata | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |[-180.0, 90.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 0.36, -0.18, 0.0, 0.0, 4326.0, 1.0]| +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# Load another raster for some more examples
elevation_raster_df = sedona.read.format("binaryFile").load("data/raster/test1.tiff")
elevation_raster_df = sedona.sql(
"SELECT RS_FromGeoTiff(content) as raster from elevation_raster_binary"
point_wkt_1 = "SRID=3857;POINT (-13095600.809482181 4021100.7487925636)"
point_wkt_2 = "SRID=3857;POINT (-13095500.809482181 4021000.7487925636)"
point_df = sedona.sql(
"SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT('{}') as point_1, ST_GeomFromEWKT('{}') as point_2".format(
point_wkt_1, point_wkt_2
test_df = sedona.sql(
"SELECT RS_Values(raster, Array(point_1, point_2)) as raster_values from elevation_raster, point_table"
[Stage 22:> (0 + 1) / 1]
+--------------+ | raster_values| +--------------+ |[115.0, 148.0]| +--------------+
Extract individual bands from rasters¶
RS_BandAsArray can be used to extract entire band values from a given raster
band = elevation_raster_df.selectExpr("RS_BandAsArray(raster, 1)").first()[0]
) # Print a part of a band as an array horizontally
[123.0, 107.0, 156.0, 173.0, 115.0, 82.0, 165.0, 222.0, 115.0, 82.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Visualize Raster MBRs¶
# Convert raster to its convex hull and transform it to EPSG:4326 to be able to visualize
raster_mbr_df = elevation_raster_df.selectExpr(
"ST_Transform(RS_ConvexHull(raster), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326') as raster_mbr"
sedona_kepler_map_elevation = SedonaKepler.create_map(
df=raster_mbr_df, name="RasterMBR"