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Raster operators

Raster based operators


Introduction: Returns the envelope of the raster as a Geometry.

Format: RS_Envelope (raster: Raster)

Since: v1.4.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT RS_Envelope(raster) FROM raster_table
POLYGON((0 0,20 0,20 60,0 60,0 0))


Introduction: Returns the metadata of the raster as an array of double. The array contains the following values:

  • 0: upper left x coordinate of the raster, in terms of CRS units (the minimum x coordinate)
  • 1: upper left y coordinate of the raster, in terms of CRS units (the maximum y coordinate)
  • 2: width of the raster, in terms of pixels
  • 3: height of the raster, in terms of pixels
  • 4: width of a pixel, in terms of CRS units (scaleX)
  • 5: height of a pixel, in terms of CRS units (scaleY)
  • 6: skew in x direction (rotation x)
  • 7: skew in y direction (rotation y)
  • 8: srid of the raster
  • 9: number of bands

Format: RS_MetaData (raster: Raster)

Since: v1.4.1

SQL example:

SELECT RS_MetaData(raster) FROM raster_table


|rs_metadata(raster)                                                                                                    |
|[-1.3095817809482181E7, 4021262.7487925636, 512.0, 517.0, 72.32861272132695, -72.32861272132695, 0.0, 0.0, 3857.0, 1.0]|


Introduction: Returns the number of the bands in the raster.

Format: RS_NumBands (raster: Raster)

Since: v1.4.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT RS_NumBands(raster) FROM raster_table




Introduction: Sets the spatial reference system identifier (SRID) of the raster geometry.

Format: RS_SetSRID (raster: Raster, srid: Integer)

Since: v1.4.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT RS_SetSRID(raster, 4326)
FROM raster_table


Introduction: Returns the spatial reference system identifier (SRID) of the raster geometry.

Format: RS_SRID (raster: Raster)

Since: v1.4.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT RS_SRID(raster) FROM raster_table




Introduction: Returns the value at the given point in the raster. If no band number is specified it defaults to 1.

Format: RS_Value (raster: Raster, point: Geometry)

Format: RS_Value (raster: Raster, point: Geometry, band: Int)

Since: v1.4.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT RS_Value(raster, ST_Point(-13077301.685, 4002565.802)) FROM raster_table




Introduction: Returns the values at the given points in the raster. If no band number is specified it defaults to 1.

RS_Values is similar to RS_Value but operates on an array of points. RS_Values can be significantly faster since a raster only has to be loaded once for several points.

Format: RS_Values (raster: Raster, points: Array[Geometry])

Format: RS_Values (raster: Raster, points: Array[Geometry], band: Int)

Since: v1.4.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT RS_Values(raster, Array(ST_Point(-1307.5, 400.8), ST_Point(-1403.3, 399.1)))
FROM raster_table


Array(5.0, 3.0)

Spark SQL example for joining a point dataset with a raster dataset:

val pointDf =
val rasterDf ="binaryFile").load("/some/path/*.tiff")
  .withColumn("raster", expr("RS_FromGeoTiff(content)"))
  .withColumn("envelope", expr("RS_Envelope(raster)"))

// Join the points with the raster extent and aggregate points to arrays.
// We only use the path and envelope of the raster to keep the shuffle as small as possible.
val df = pointDf.join("path", "envelope"), expr("ST_Within(point_geom, envelope)"))
  .agg(collect_list("point_geom").alias("point"), collect_list("point_id").alias("id"))

df.join(rasterDf, "path")
  .selectExpr("explode(arrays_zip(id, point, RS_Values(raster, point))) as result")


| id | point      | value |
|  4 | POINT(1 1) |   3.0 |
|  5 | POINT(2 2) |   7.0 |

Raster to Map Algebra operators

To bridge the gap between the raster and map algebra worlds, the following operators are provided. These operators convert a raster to a map algebra object. The map algebra object can then be used with the map algebra operators described in the next section.


Introduction: Extract a band from a raster as an array of doubles.

Format: RS_BandAsArray (raster: Raster, bandIndex: Int).

Since: v1.4.1

BandIndex is 1-based and must be between 1 and RS_NumBands(raster). It returns null if the bandIndex is out of range or the raster is null.

SQL example:

SELECT RS_BandAsArray(raster, 1) FROM raster_table


|                band|
|[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...|


Introduction: Add a band to a raster from an array of doubles.

Format: RS_AddBandFromArray (raster: Raster, band: Array[Double], bandIndex:Int).

Since: v1.4.1

The bandIndex is 1-based and must be between 1 and RS_NumBands(raster) + 1. It throws an exception if the bandIndex is out of range or the raster is null.

When the bandIndex is RS_NumBands(raster) + 1, it appends the band to the end of the raster. Otherwise, it replaces the existing band at the bandIndex.

Note that: bandIndex == RS_NumBands(raster) + 1 is an experimental feature and might not lead to the loss of raster metadata and properties such as color models.

SQL example:

SELECT RS_AddBandFromArray(raster, RS_MultiplyFactor(RS_BandAsArray(RS_FromGeoTiff(content), 1), 2), 1) AS raster FROM raster_table


|              raster|

Map Algebra operators

Map algebra operators work on a single band of a raster. Each band is represented as an array of doubles. The operators return an array of doubles.


Introduction: Add two spectral bands in a Geotiff image

Format: RS_Add (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val sumDF = spark.sql("select RS_Add(band1, band2) as sumOfBands from dataframe")


Introduction: Appends a new band to the end of Geotiff image data and returns the new data. The new band to be appended can be a normalized difference index between two bands (example: NBR, NDBI). Normalized difference index between two bands can be calculated with RS_NormalizedDifference operator described earlier in this page. Specific bands can be retrieved using RS_GetBand operator described here.

Format: RS_Append(data: Array[Double], newBand: Array[Double], nBands: Int)

Since: v1.2.1

Deprecated since: v1.4.1

Spark SQL example:

val dfAppended = spark.sql("select RS_Append(data, normalizedDifference, nBands) as dataEdited from dataframe")


Introduction: Find Bitwise AND between two bands of Geotiff image

Format: RS_BitwiseAND (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val biwiseandDF = spark.sql("select RS_BitwiseAND(band1, band2) as andvalue from dataframe")


Introduction: Find Bitwise OR between two bands of Geotiff image

Format: RS_BitwiseOR (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val biwiseorDF = spark.sql("select RS_BitwiseOR(band1, band2) as or from dataframe")


Introduction: Returns count of a particular value from a spectral band in a raster image

Format: RS_Count (Band1: Array[Double], Target: Double)

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val countDF = spark.sql("select RS_Count(band1, target) as count from dataframe")


Introduction: Divide band1 with band2 from a geotiff image

Format: RS_Divide (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val multiplyDF = spark.sql("select RS_Divide(band1, band2) as divideBands from dataframe")


Introduction: Fetch a subset of region from given Geotiff image based on minimumX, minimumY, maximumX and maximumY index as well original height and width of image

Format: RS_FetchRegion (Band: Array[Double], coordinates: Array[Int], dimensions: Array[Int])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val region = spark.sql("select RS_FetchRegion(Band,Array(0, 0, 1, 2),Array(3, 3)) as Region from dataframe")


Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are greater than a particular target value

Format: RS_GreaterThan (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val greaterDF = spark.sql("select RS_GreaterThan(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")


Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are greater than equal to a particular target value

Format: RS_GreaterThanEqual (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val greaterEqualDF = spark.sql("select RS_GreaterThanEqual(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")


Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are less than a particular target value

Format: RS_LessThan (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val lessDF = spark.sql("select RS_LessThan(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")


Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are less than equal to a particular target value

Format: RS_LessThanEqual (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val lessEqualDF = spark.sql("select RS_LessThanEqual(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")


Introduction: Return value from band 1 if a value in band1 and band2 are different, else return 0

Format: RS_LogicalDifference (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val logicalDifference = spark.sql("select RS_LogicalDifference(band1, band2) as logdifference from dataframe")


Introduction: Return value from band1 if it's not equal to 0, else return band2 value

Format: RS_LogicalOver (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val logicalOver = spark.sql("select RS_LogicalOver(band1, band2) as logover from dataframe")


Introduction: Returns Mean value for a spectral band in a Geotiff image

Format: RS_Mean (Band: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val meanDF = spark.sql("select RS_Mean(band) as mean from dataframe")


Introduction: Returns Mode from a spectral band in a Geotiff image in form of an array

Format: RS_Mode (Band: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val modeDF = spark.sql("select RS_Mode(band) as mode from dataframe")


Introduction: Find modulo of pixels with respect to a particular value

Format: RS_Modulo (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val moduloDF = spark.sql("select RS_Modulo(band, target) as modulo from dataframe")


Introduction: Multiply two spectral bands in a Geotiff image

Format: RS_Multiply (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val multiplyDF = spark.sql("select RS_Multiply(band1, band2) as multiplyBands from dataframe")


Introduction: Multiply a factor to a spectral band in a geotiff image

Format: RS_MultiplyFactor (Band1: Array[Double], Factor: Int)

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val multiplyFactorDF = spark.sql("select RS_MultiplyFactor(band1, 2) as multiplyfactor from dataframe")


Introduction: Normalize the value in the array to [0, 255]

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example

SELECT RS_Normalize(band)


Introduction: Returns Normalized Difference between two bands(band2 and band1) in a Geotiff image(example: NDVI, NDBI)

Format: RS_NormalizedDifference (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val normalizedDF = spark.sql("select RS_NormalizedDifference(band1, band2) as normdifference from dataframe")


Introduction: Find Square root of band values in a geotiff image

Format: RS_SquareRoot (Band: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val rootDF = spark.sql("select RS_SquareRoot(band) as squareroot from dataframe")


Introduction: Subtract two spectral bands in a Geotiff image(band2 - band1)

Format: RS_Subtract (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])

Since: v1.1.0

Spark SQL example:

val subtractDF = spark.sql("select RS_Subtract(band1, band2) as differenceOfOfBands from dataframe")

Last update: June 14, 2023 04:27:38