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Read ESRI Shapefile

Introduction: Construct a DataFrame from a Shapefile

Since: v1.0.0

SparkSQL example:

var spatialRDD = new SpatialRDD[Geometry]
spatialRDD.rawSpatialRDD = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(sparkSession.sparkContext, shapefileInputLocation)
var rawSpatialDf = Adapter.toDf(spatialRDD,sparkSession)
var spatialDf = sparkSession.sql("""
          | ST_GeomFromWKT(rddshape), _c1, _c2
          | FROM rawSpatialDf


The file extensions of .shp, .shx, .dbf must be in lowercase. Assume you have a shape file called myShapefile, the file structure should be like this:

- shapefile1
- shapefile2
- myshapefile
- myshapefile.shp
- myshapefile.shx
- myshapefile.dbf
- myshapefile...
- ...


Please make sure you use ST_GeomFromWKT to create Geometry type column otherwise that column cannot be used in SedonaSQL.

If the file you are reading contains non-ASCII characters you'll need to explicitly set the encoding via system property before the call to ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD.


System.setProperty("", "utf8")


Introduction: Create Geometry from geohash string and optional precision

Format: ST_GeomFromGeoHash(geohash: string, precision: int)

Since: v1.1.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_GeomFromGeoHash('s00twy01mt', 4) AS geom


|geom                                                                                                                |
|POLYGON ((0.703125 0.87890625, 0.703125 1.0546875, 1.0546875 1.0546875, 1.0546875 0.87890625, 0.703125 0.87890625)) |


Introduction: Construct a Geometry from GeoJson

Format: ST_GeomFromGeoJSON (GeoJson:string)

Since: v1.0.0

Spark SQL example:

var polygonJsonDf ="csv").option("delimiter","\t").option("header","false").load(geoJsonGeomInputLocation)
var polygonDf = sparkSession.sql(
          | SELECT ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(polygontable._c0) AS countyshape
          | FROM polygontable


The way that SedonaSQL reads GeoJSON is different from that in SparkSQL


Introduction: Construct a Geometry from GML.

Format: ST_GeomFromGML (gml:string)

Since: v1.3.0

SQL example:

SELECT ST_GeomFromGML('<gml:LineString srsName="EPSG:4269"><gml:coordinates>-71.16028,42.258729 -71.160837,42.259112 -71.161143,42.25932</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString>') AS geometry


Introduction: Construct a Geometry from KML.

Format: ST_GeomFromKML (kml:string)

Since: v1.3.0

SQL example:

SELECT ST_GeomFromKML('<LineString><coordinates>-71.1663,42.2614 -71.1667,42.2616</coordinates></LineString>') AS geometry


Introduction: Construct a Geometry from Wkt. If srid is not set, it defaults to 0 (unknown). Alias of ST_GeomFromWKT

Format: ST_GeomFromText (Wkt:string) ST_GeomFromText (Wkt:string, srid:integer)

Since: v1.0.0

The optional srid parameter was added in v1.3.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POINT(40.7128 -74.0060)') AS geometry


Introduction: Construct a Geometry from WKB string or Binary

Format: ST_GeomFromWKB (Wkb:string) ST_GeomFromWKB (Wkb:binary)

Since: v1.0.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_GeomFromWKB(polygontable._c0) AS polygonshape
FROM polygontable


Introduction: Construct a Geometry from Wkt. If srid is not set, it defaults to 0 (unknown).

Format: ST_GeomFromWKT (Wkt:string) ST_GeomFromWKT (Wkt:string, srid:integer)

Since: v1.0.0

The optional srid parameter was added in v1.3.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_GeomFromWKT(polygontable._c0) AS polygonshape
FROM polygontable

SELECT ST_GeomFromWKT('POINT(40.7128 -74.0060)') AS geometry


Introduction: Construct a Line from Wkt text

Format: ST_LineFromText (Wkt:string)

Since: v1.2.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_LineFromText(linetable._c0) AS lineshape
FROM linetable

SELECT ST_LineFromText('Linestring(1 2, 3 4)') AS line


Introduction: Construct a LineString from Text, delimited by Delimiter

Format: ST_LineStringFromText (Text:string, Delimiter:char)

Since: v1.0.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_LineStringFromText(linestringtable._c0,',') AS linestringshape
FROM linestringtable

SELECT ST_LineStringFromText('-74.0428197,40.6867969,-74.0421975,40.6921336,-74.0508020,40.6912794', ',') AS linestringshape


Introduction: Construct a MultiLineString from Wkt. If srid is not set, it defaults to 0 (unknown).

Format: ST_MLineFromText (Wkt:string) ST_MLineFromText (Wkt:string, srid:integer)

Since: v1.3.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_MLineFromText('MULTILINESTRING((1 2, 3 4), (4 5, 6 7))') AS multiLine;
SELECT ST_MLineFromText('MULTILINESTRING((1 2, 3 4), (4 5, 6 7))',4269) AS multiLine;


Introduction: Construct a MultiPolygon from Wkt. If srid is not set, it defaults to 0 (unknown).

Format: ST_MPolyFromText (Wkt:string) ST_MPolyFromText (Wkt:string, srid:integer)

Since: v1.3.1

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_MPolyFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((-70.916 42.1002,-70.9468 42.0946,-70.9765 42.0872 )))') AS multiPolygon
SELECT ST_MPolyFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((-70.916 42.1002,-70.9468 42.0946,-70.9765 42.0872 )))',4269) AS multiPolygon


Introduction: Construct a Point from X and Y

Format: ST_Point (X:decimal, Y:decimal)

Since: v1.0.0

In v1.4.0 an optional Z parameter was removed to be more consistent with other spatial SQL implementations. If you are upgrading from an older version of Sedona - please use ST_PointZ to create 3D points.

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_Point(CAST(pointtable._c0 AS Decimal(24,20)), CAST(pointtable._c1 AS Decimal(24,20))) AS pointshape
FROM pointtable


Introduction: Construct a Point from X, Y and Z and an optional srid. If srid is not set, it defaults to 0 (unknown).

Format: ST_PointZ (X:decimal, Y:decimal, Z:decimal) Format: ST_PointZ (X:decimal, Y:decimal, Z:decimal, srid:integer)

Since: v1.4.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_PointZ(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) AS pointshape


Introduction: Construct a Point from Text, delimited by Delimiter

Format: ST_PointFromText (Text:string, Delimiter:char)

Since: v1.0.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_PointFromText(pointtable._c0,',') AS pointshape
FROM pointtable

SELECT ST_PointFromText('40.7128,-74.0060', ',') AS pointshape


Introduction: Construct a Polygon from MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY.

Format: ST_PolygonFromEnvelope (MinX:decimal, MinY:decimal, MaxX:decimal, MaxY:decimal)

Since: v1.0.0

Spark SQL example:

FROM pointdf
WHERE ST_Contains(ST_PolygonFromEnvelope(1.0,100.0,1000.0,1100.0), pointdf.pointshape)


Introduction: Construct a Polygon from Text, delimited by Delimiter. Path must be closed

Format: ST_PolygonFromText (Text:string, Delimiter:char)

Since: v1.0.0

Spark SQL example:

SELECT ST_PolygonFromText(polygontable._c0,',') AS polygonshape
FROM polygontable

SELECT ST_PolygonFromText('-74.0428197,40.6867969,-74.0421975,40.6921336,-74.0508020,40.6912794,-74.0428197,40.6867969', ',') AS polygonshape

Last update: February 12, 2023 22:48:06