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Apache Sedona Spatial Joins

This post explains how to perform spatial joins with Apache Sedona. You will learn about the different types of spatial joins and how to run them efficiently.

This page provides basic examples that clearly illustrate the key conceptual points of spatial joins. It also elaborates on spatial join concepts for real-world-sized datasets and highlights key performance enhancements.

Spatial join within

Look at the following graph containing three points and two polygons. point_b is within polygon_y, point_c is within polygon_x, and point_a isn’t within any polygon.

spatial join within

The points table contains points and the polygons table includes polygons.

Here’s how you can run the SQL for this query:

SELECT as point_id, as polygon_id
FROM points
JOIN polygons ON ST_Within(points.geometry, polygons.geometry);  

Here’s the result:

|       b|         y|
|       c|         x|

point_a is not in the resulting DataFrame because it’s not within any polygon.

It’s easier to see that the polygon_id is NULL for point_a with a LEFT JOIN:

SELECT as point_id, as polygon_id
FROM points
LEFT JOIN polygons ON ST_Within(points.geometry, polygons.geometry);  

Here’s the output:

|       a|      NULL|
|       b|         y|
|       c|         x|

The polygon_id is NULL for point_a because it is not within any polygon.

In production applications, you typically use JOIN. This post uses LEFT JOIN to illustrate the rows that do not match in the join.

This previous code snipped used the ST_Within predicate, which is closely related to the ST_Contains method. They’re the same but the parameter order is swapped. Here’s how you can get the same result with ST_Contains:

SELECT as point_id, as polygon_id
FROM points
LEFT JOIN polygons ON ST_Contains(polygons.geometry, points.geometry);  

Here’s the same result:

|       a|      NULL|
|       b|         y|
|       c|         x|

Spatial join crosses

Look at the following graph containing one polygon and two lines. line_a and line_b cross polygon_x. line_c does not cross polygon_x.

spatial join crosses

Here’s the SQL query to run this spatial join:

SELECT as line_id, as polygon_id
FROM lines
LEFT JOIN polygons ON ST_Crosses(lines.geometry, polygons.geometry);  

Here is the result:

|      a|         x|
|      b|         x|
|      c|      NULL|

A spatial join with ST_Crosses lets us identify the lines that cross the polygon.

Spatial join with touches

Suppose you have a polygon and two lines. line_a does not touch the polygon, and line_b does touch the polygon. See the following diagram:

spatial join touches

Let’s create table_a with the lines and table_b with the polygon and then join them.

Here is the content of the polygons table:

|id |geometry                           |
|x  |POLYGON ((6 2, 6 4, 8 4, 8 2, 6 2))|

Here is the content of the lines table:

|id |geometry              |
|a  |LINESTRING (2 4, 4 0) |
|b  |LINESTRING (6 0, 10 4)|

Here’s a join that matches any touching values:

SELECT as line_id, as polygon_id
FROM lines
LEFT JOIN polygons ON ST_Touches(lines.geometry, polygons.geometry);  

Here’s the result of the join:

|      a|      NULL|
|      b|         x|

Now, let’s look at running a join to see if points are within a polygon.

Spatial join overlaps

The following diagram shows two polygons and a few shapes. polygon_a overlaps polygon_x. Neither line_b, line_c, or point_d overlap with polygon_y or polygon_x.

spatial join overlaps

Here is the SQL query to run this spatial join:

SELECT as shape_id, as polygon_id
FROM shapes
LEFT JOIN polygons ON ST_Overlaps(shapes.geometry, polygons.geometry);

Here is the result:

|       a|         x|
|       b|      NULL|
|       c|      NULL|
|       d|      NULL|

Spatial join K-nearest neighbors (KNN spatial join)

Suppose you have tables with addresses and coffee shop locations. You’d like to find the two nearest coffee shops to each address.

Here are the addresses with latitude and longitude coordinates:

| id|longitude|latitude|
| a1|      2.0|     3.0|
| a2|      5.0|     5.0|
| a3|      7.0|     2.0|

Here are the coffee_shops with latitude and longitude:

| id|longitude|latitude|
| c1|      1.0|     4.0|
| c2|      3.0|     5.0|
| c3|      5.0|     1.0|
| c4|      8.0|     4.0|

Here’s how to compute the two nearest coffee shops to each address:

SELECT AS address_id, AS coffee_shop_id
FROM addresses
JOIN coffee_shops
ON ST_KNN(addresses.geometry, coffee_shops.geometry, 2)

Here is the result:

|        a1|            c1|
|        a1|            c2|
|        a2|            c2|
|        a2|            c4|
|        a3|            c3|
|        a3|            c4|

Here’s a visualization of the results:

spatial join knn

You can easily see the coffee shops that are closest to each address.

Spatial distance join

Look at the following graph, which shows a point and different transit stations. Let’s perform a spatial join to find all the transit stations within 2.5 units of the point.

spatial distance join

We can see that t2 and t3 are within 2.5 units from the point.

Here is the points table:

| id|     geometry|
| p1|POINT (4.5 3)|

And here is the transit table:

| id|   geometry|
| t1|POINT (1 4)|
| t2|POINT (3 4)|
| t3|POINT (5 2)|
| t4|POINT (8 4)|

Let’s perform a distance join to find all the transit stations that are within 2.5 units of the point:

SELECT AS point_id, AS transit_id
FROM points
JOIN transit
ON ST_DWithin(points.geometry, transit.geometry, 2.5)

Here are the results:

|      p1|        t2|
|      p1|        t3|

Sedona is an excellent tool for finding locations within a certain distance from a point.

Sedona uses the Euclidean distance between two objects so the distance unit has the same CRS of the original coordinates. To directly operate on WGS84 coordinates with meter distance, you should use ST_DistanceSphere, ST_DistanceSpheroid, or ST_DWithnin(useSpheroid = true).

Spatial range join

All joins triggered by ST_Intersects, ST_Contains, ST_Within, ST_DWithin, ST_Touches, and ST_Crosses are considered a range join. This section illustrates another range join, but we've already covered several range joins on this page.

Suppose you have a table with cities and another table with restaurants. You want to identify all the restaurants in a given city. See the following diagram for some sample data.

spatial range join

Three restaurants are within the city boundary, and one is outside the city.

Here is the cities table:

|   id|            geometry|
|city1|POLYGON ((1 1, 1 ...|

And here is the restaurants table:

| id|   geometry|
| r1|POINT (2 2)|
| r2|POINT (3 3)|
| r3|POINT (4 4)|
| r4|POINT (6 6)|

Here’s how to execute the range join:

SELECT AS city_id, AS restaurant_id
FROM cities
JOIN restaurants
ON ST_Intersects(restaurants.geometry, cities.geometry)

Here are the results:

|  city1|           r1|
|  city1|           r2|
|  city1|           r3|

Range joins are helpful in many practical applications.

Spatial join optimizations

You can optimize spatial joins by using better file formats, indexing your data, or optimizing your queries.

For example, suppose you’re performing a spatial join with two wide tables stored in GeoJSON files and don’t need all the output columns. GeoJSON files are row-oriented and don’t support column pruning. You can switch the data from GeoJSON to a column-oriented file format like GeoParquet to take advantage of column pruning, a vital performance enhancement.

See this section on additional query enhancements here to learn more.

Spatial broadcast joins

Sedona can run on a single node or many nodes in a cluster.

As you can imagine, joining two datasets can be slower when your data is on different machines in a cluster. That requires data shuffling, which can be slow.

If one of the tables is small, you can broadcast it, which copies it to all the machines in the cluster. Broadcasting can make the join much faster.

You should generally only broadcast DataFrames that are relatively small, see here for more information.

Sedona will automatically broadcast tables smaller than the threshold; see here for more details.


Apache Sedona supports a variety of spatial joins.

Spatial joins are one of the strengths of the Sedona engine. Other engines can struggle with memory issues for spatial joins. Sedona is capable of performing spatial joins on massive datasets.