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Raster data in GeoTiff and ArcInfoAsciiGrid formats can be read into and written from Spark.

Using the RasterUDT


Raster data in GeoTiff and ArcInfo Grid format can be loaded directly into Spark using the sparklyr::spark_read_binary and Sedona constructors RS_FromGeoTiff and RS_FromArcInfoAsciiGrid.


sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")

data_tbl <- spark_read_binary(sc, dir = here::here("/../core/src/test/resources/raster/"), name = "data") 

raster <- 
  data_tbl %>% 
  mutate(raster = RS_FromGeoTiff(content))


raster %>% sdf_schema()

Once the data is loaded, raster functions are available in dplyr workflows:

Functions taking in raster: Raster arguments are meant to be used with data loaded with this reader, such as RS_Value, RS_Values, RS_Envelope. Functions taking in Band: Array[Double] arguments work with data loaded using the Sedona Geotiff DataFrame loader (see below).

For example, getting the number of bands:

raster %>% 
    nbands = RS_NumBands(raster)
  ) %>% 
  select(path, nbands) %>% 
  collect() %>% 
  mutate(path = path %>% basename())

Or getting values the envelope:

raster %>% 
    env = RS_Envelope(raster) %>% st_astext()
  ) %>% 
  select(path, env) %>% 
  collect() %>% 
  mutate(path = path %>% basename())

Or getting values at specific points:

raster %>% 
    val = RS_Value(raster, ST_Point(-13077301.685, 4002565.802))
  ) %>% 
  select(path, val) %>% 
  collect() %>% 
  mutate(path = path %>% basename())


To write a Sedona Raster DataFrame to raster files, you need to (1) first convert the Raster DataFrame to a binary DataFrame using RS_AsXXX functions and (2) then write the binary DataFrame to raster files using Sedona’s built-in raster data source.

To write a Sedona binary DataFrame to external storage using Sedona’s built-in raster data source, use the spark_write_raster function:

dest_file <- tempfile()
raster %>% 
  mutate(content = RS_AsGeoTiff(raster)) %>% 
  spark_write_raster(path = dest_file)

dir(dest_file, recursive = TRUE)

Available options see Raster writer:

  • rasterField: the binary column to be saved (if there is only one takes that column by default, otherwise specify)
  • fileExtension: .tiff bvy default, also accepts .png, .jpeg, .asc
  • pathField: if used any column name that indicates the paths of each raster file, otherwise random UUIDs are generated.
dest_file <- tempfile()
raster %>% 
  mutate(content = RS_AsArcGrid(raster)) %>% 
  spark_write_raster(path = dest_file, 
                     options = list("rasterField" = "content", 
                                    "fileExtension" = ".asc",
                                    "pathField" = "path"

dir(dest_file, recursive = TRUE)

Using the Sedona Geotiff Dataframe Loader

The Sedona Geotiff Dataframe Loader will read data from GeoTiff file (or folder containing multiple files) into a Spark DataFrame. The resulting data is a nested column. It can be unnested using SQL (results are collected)…:

data_tbl <- spark_read_geotiff(sc, path = here::here("../core/src/test/resources/raster/"), name = "data", options = list(dropInvalid = TRUE))

## Using a direct SQL query: results are collected directly
sc %>% 
             image.geometry as Geom, 
             image.height as height, 
             image.width as width, 
             image.nBands as bands 
             FROM data")

… or using {sparklyr.nested} (results stay in Spark until collection):


data_tbl %>% sdf_schema_json(parse_json = TRUE) %>% lobstr::tree()

data_tbl %>% 
  sdf_unnest(image) %>% 
res <- 
  data_tbl %>% 
  sdf_unnest(image) %>% 
    mult = RS_MultiplyFactor(data, 2L)
  ) %>% 
  select(data, mult) %>% 


Writing data back:

dest_file <- tempfile()
data_tbl %>% 
  sdf_unnest(image) %>% 
    data = RS_MultiplyFactor(data, 2L)
  ) %>% 
  spark_write_geotiff(path = dest_file, mode = "overwrite")

dir(dest_file, recursive = TRUE)