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Spatial RDD applications in R language

What are SpatialRDDs?

SpatialRDDs are basic building blocks of distributed spatial data in Apache Sedona. A SpatialRDD can be partitioned and indexed using well-known spatial data structures to facilitate range queries, KNN queries, and other low-level operations. One can also export records from SpatailRDDs into regular Spark dataframes, making them accessible through Spark SQL and through the dplyr interface of sparklyr.

Creating a SpatialRDD

NOTE: this section is largely based on Spatial RDD Scala tutorial, except for examples have been written in R instead of Scala to reflect usages of apache.sedona.

Currently SpatialRDDs can be created in apache.sedona by reading a file in a supported geospatial format, or by extracting data from a Spark SQL query.

For example, the following code will import data from arealm-small.csv into a SpatialRDD:

pt_rdd <- sedona_read_dsv_to_typed_rdd(
  location = "arealm-small.csv",
  delimiter = ",",
  type = "point",
  first_spatial_col_index = 1,
  has_non_spatial_attrs = TRUE


Records from the example arealm-small.csv file look like the following:


As one can see from the above, each record is comma-separated and consists of a 2-dimensional coordinate starting at the 2nd column and ending at the 3rd column. All other columns contain non-spatial attributes. Because column indexes are 0-based, we need to specify first_spatial_col_index = 1 in the example above to ensure each record is parsed correctly.

In addition to formats such as CSV and TSV, currently apache.sedona also supports reading files in WKT (Well-Known Text), WKB (Well-Known Binary), and GeoJSON formats. See ?apache.sedona::sedona_read_wkt, ?apache.sedona::sedona_read_wkb, and ?apache.sedona::sedona_read_geojson for details.

One can also run to_spatial_rdd() to extract a SpatailRDD from a Spark SQL query, e.g.,


sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")

sdf <- tbl(
  sql("SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-71.064544 42.28787)') AS `geom`, \"point\" AS `type`")

spatial_rdd <- sdf %>% to_spatial_rdd(spatial_col = "geom")
## $.jobj
## <jobj[70]>
##   org.apache.sedona.core.spatialRDD.SpatialRDD
##   org.apache.sedona.core.spatialRDD.SpatialRDD@422afc5a
## ...

will extract a spatial column named "geom" from the Sedona spatial SQL query above and store it in a SpatialRDD object.

Last update: September 29, 2021 04:57:22