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Apache Spark 2.X versions

Please add the following dependencies into your POM.xml or build.sbt


groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark
version: 1.3.1


For SparkSQL-2.3

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-sql_2.3
version: 1.3.1

For SparkSQL-2.2

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-sql_2.2
version: 1.3.1

For SparkSQL-2.1

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-sql_2.1
version: 1.3.1

GeoSpark-Viz 1.2.0 and later

For SparkSQL-2.3

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-viz_2.3
version: 1.3.1

For SparkSQL-2.2

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-viz_2.2
version: 1.3.1

For SparkSQL-2.1

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-viz_2.1
version: 1.3.1

GeoSpark-Viz 1.1.3 and earlier

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-viz
version: 1.1.3

Apache Spark 1.X versions

Please add the following dependencies into your POM.xml or build.sbt


groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark
version: 0.8.2-spark-1.x


groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: babylon
version: 0.2.1-spark-1.x

SNAPSHOT versions

Sometimes GeoSpark has a SNAPSHOT version for the upcoming release. "SNAPSHOT" is uppercase.

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark
version: 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT

groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-sql_2.3
version: 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT
groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: geospark-viz
version: 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT

In order to download SNAPSHOTs, you need to add the following repositories in your POM.XML or build.sbt


resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""



Last update: September 15, 2020 23:40:05