Raster operators
Introduction: Add two spectral bands in a Geotiff image
Format: RS_Add (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val sumDF = spark.sql("select RS_Add(band1, band2) as sumOfBands from dataframe")
Introduction: Appends a new band to the end of Geotiff image data and returns the new data. The new band to be appended can be a normalized difference index between two bands (example: NBR, NDBI). Normalized difference index between two bands can be calculated with RS_NormalizedDifference operator described earlier in this page. Specific bands can be retrieved using RS_GetBand operator described here.
Format: RS_Append(data: Array[Double], newBand: Array[Double], nBands: Int)
Since: v1.2.1
Spark SQL example:
val dfAppended = spark.sql("select RS_Append(data, normalizedDifference, nBands) as dataEdited from dataframe")
Introduction: Find Bitwise AND between two bands of Geotiff image
Format: RS_BitwiseAND (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val biwiseandDF = spark.sql("select RS_BitwiseAND(band1, band2) as andvalue from dataframe")
Introduction: Find Bitwise OR between two bands of Geotiff image
Format: RS_BitwiseOR (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val biwiseorDF = spark.sql("select RS_BitwiseOR(band1, band2) as or from dataframe")
Introduction: Returns count of a particular value from a spectral band in a raster image
Format: RS_Count (Band1: Array[Double], Target: Double)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val countDF = spark.sql("select RS_Count(band1, target) as count from dataframe")
Introduction: Divide band1 with band2 from a geotiff image
Format: RS_Divide (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val multiplyDF = spark.sql("select RS_Divide(band1, band2) as divideBands from dataframe")
Introduction: Fetch a subset of region from given Geotiff image based on minimumX, minimumY, maximumX and maximumY index as well original height and width of image
Format: RS_FetchRegion (Band: Array[Double], coordinates: Array[Int], dimenstions: Array[Int])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val region = spark.sql("select RS_FetchRegion(Band,Array(0, 0, 1, 2),Array(3, 3)) as Region from dataframe")
Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are greater than a particular target value
Format: RS_GreaterThan (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val greaterDF = spark.sql("select RS_GreaterThan(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")
Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are greater than equal to a particular target value
Format: RS_GreaterThanEqual (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val greaterEqualDF = spark.sql("select RS_GreaterThanEqual(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")
Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are less than a particular target value
Format: RS_LessThan (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val lessDF = spark.sql("select RS_LessThan(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")
Introduction: Mask all the values with 1 which are less than equal to a particular target value
Format: RS_LessThanEqual (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val lessEqualDF = spark.sql("select RS_LessThanEqual(band, target) as maskedvalues from dataframe")
Introduction: Return value from band 1 if a value in band1 and band2 are different, else return 0
Format: RS_LogicalDifference (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val logicalDifference = spark.sql("select RS_LogicalDifference(band1, band2) as logdifference from dataframe")
Introduction: Return value from band1 if it's not equal to 0, else return band2 value
Format: RS_LogicalOver (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val logicalOver = spark.sql("select RS_LogicalOver(band1, band2) as logover from dataframe")
Introduction: Returns Mean value for a spectral band in a Geotiff image
Format: RS_Mean (Band: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val meanDF = spark.sql("select RS_Mean(band) as mean from dataframe")
Introduction: Returns Mode from a spectral band in a Geotiff image in form of an array
Format: RS_Mode (Band: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val modeDF = spark.sql("select RS_Mode(band) as mode from dataframe")
Introduction: Find modulo of pixels with respect to a particular value
Format: RS_Modulo (Band: Array[Double], Target: Double)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val moduloDF = spark.sql("select RS_Modulo(band, target) as modulo from dataframe")
Introduction: Multiply two spectral bands in a Geotiff image
Format: RS_Multiply (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val multiplyDF = spark.sql("select RS_Multiply(band1, band2) as multiplyBands from dataframe")
Introduction: Multiply a factor to a spectral band in a geotiff image
Format: RS_MultiplyFactor (Band1: Array[Double], Factor: Int)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val multiplyFactorDF = spark.sql("select RS_MultiplyFactor(band1, 2) as multiplyfactor from dataframe")
Introduction: Normalize the value in the array to [0, 255]
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example
SELECT RS_Normalize(band)
Introduction: Returns Normalized Difference between two bands(band2 and band1) in a Geotiff image(example: NDVI, NDBI)
Format: RS_NormalizedDifference (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val normalizedDF = spark.sql("select RS_NormalizedDifference(band1, band2) as normdifference from dataframe")
Introduction: Find Square root of band values in a geotiff image
Format: RS_SquareRoot (Band: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val rootDF = spark.sql("select RS_SquareRoot(band) as squareroot from dataframe")
Introduction: Subtract two spectral bands in a Geotiff image(band2 - band1)
Format: RS_Subtract (Band1: Array[Double], Band2: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val subtractDF = spark.sql("select RS_Subtract(band1, band2) as differenceOfOfBands from dataframe")