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The page outlines the steps to create Spatial RDDs and run spatial queries using Sedona-core. The example code is written in Scala but also works for Java.

Set up dependencies

  1. Read Sedona Maven Central coordinates
  2. Select the minimum dependencies: Add Apache Spark (only the Spark core) and Sedona (core).
  3. Add the dependencies in build.sbt or pom.xml.


To enjoy the full functions of Sedona, we suggest you include the full dependencies: Apache Spark core, Apache SparkSQL, Sedona-core, Sedona-SQL, Sedona-Viz. Please see RDD example project

Initiate SparkContext

val conf = new SparkConf()
conf.setAppName("SedonaRunnableExample") // Change this to a proper name
conf.setMaster("local[*]") // Delete this if run in cluster mode
// Enable Sedona custom Kryo serializer
conf.set("spark.serializer", classOf[KryoSerializer].getName) // org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
conf.set("spark.kryo.registrator", classOf[SedonaKryoRegistrator].getName) // org.apache.sedona.core.serde.SedonaKryoRegistrator
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)


Sedona has a suite of well-written geometry and index serializers. Forgetting to enable these serializers will lead to high memory consumption.

If you add the Sedona full dependencies as suggested above, please use the following two lines to enable Sedona Kryo serializer instead:

conf.set("spark.serializer", classOf[KryoSerializer].getName) // org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
conf.set("spark.kryo.registrator", classOf[SedonaVizKryoRegistrator].getName) // org.apache.sedona.viz.core.Serde.SedonaVizKryoRegistrator

Create a SpatialRDD

Create a typed SpatialRDD

Sedona-core provides three special SpatialRDDs: PointRDD, PolygonRDD, and LineStringRDD. They can be loaded from CSV, TSV, WKT, WKB, Shapefiles, GeoJSON and NetCDF/HDF format.

PointRDD from CSV/TSV

Suppose we have a checkin.csv CSV file at Path /Download/checkin.csv as follows:

This file has three columns and corresponding offsets(Column IDs) are 0, 1, 2. Use the following code to create a PointRDD

val pointRDDInputLocation = "/Download/checkin.csv"
val pointRDDOffset = 0 // The point long/lat starts from Column 0
val pointRDDSplitter = FileDataSplitter.CSV
val carryOtherAttributes = true // Carry Column 2 (hotel, gas, bar...)
var objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, pointRDDInputLocation, pointRDDOffset, pointRDDSplitter, carryOtherAttributes)

If the data file is in TSV format, just simply use the following line to replace the old FileDataSplitter:

val pointRDDSplitter = FileDataSplitter.TSV

PolygonRDD/LineStringRDD from CSV/TSV

In general, polygon and line string data is stored in WKT, WKB, GeoJSON and Shapefile formats instead of CSV/TSV because the geometries in a file may have different lengths. However, if all polygons / line strings in your CSV/TSV possess the same length, you can create PolygonRDD and LineStringRDD from these files.

Suppose we have a checkinshape.csv CSV file at Path /Download/checkinshape.csv as follows:


This file has 11 columns and corresponding offsets (Column IDs) are 0 - 10. Column 0 - 9 are 5 coordinates (longitude/latitude pairs). In this file, all geometries have the same number of coordinates. The geometries can be polyons or line strings.


For polygon data, the last coordinate must be the same as the first coordinate because a polygon is a closed linear ring.

Use the following code to create a PolygonRDD.

val polygonRDDInputLocation = "/Download/checkinshape.csv"
val polygonRDDStartOffset = 0 // The coordinates start from Column 0
val polygonRDDEndOffset = 9 // The coordinates end at Column 9
val polygonRDDSplitter = FileDataSplitter.CSV
val carryOtherAttributes = true // Carry Column 10 (hotel, gas, bar...)
var objectRDD = new PolygonRDD(sc, polygonRDDInputLocation, polygonRDDStartOffset, polygonRDDEndOffset, polygonRDDSplitter, carryOtherAttributes)

If the data file is in TSV format, just simply use the following line to replace the old FileDataSplitter:

val polygonRDDSplitter = FileDataSplitter.TSV

The way to create a LineStringRDD is the same as PolygonRDD.

Create a generic SpatialRDD

A generic SpatialRDD is not typed to a certain geometry type and open to more scenarios. It allows an input data file contains mixed types of geometries. For instance, a WKT file contains three types gemetries LineString, Polygon and MultiPolygon.


Geometries in a WKT and WKB file always occupy a single column no matter how many coordinates they have. Therefore, creating a typed SpatialRDD is easy.

Suppose we have a checkin.tsv WKT TSV file at Path /Download/checkin.tsv as follows:

POINT (-88.331492 32.324142)    hotel
POINT (-88.175933 32.360763)    gas
POINT (-88.388954 32.357073)    bar
POINT (-88.221102 32.35078) restaurant
This file has two columns and corresponding offsets(Column IDs) are 0, 1. Column 0 is the WKT string and Column 1 is the checkin business type.

Use the following code to create a SpatialRDD

val inputLocation = "/Download/checkin.tsv"
val wktColumn = 0 // The WKT string starts from Column 0
val allowTopologyInvalidGeometries = true // Optional
val skipSyntaxInvalidGeometries = false // Optional
val spatialRDD = WktReader.readToGeometryRDD(sparkSession.sparkContext, inputLocation, wktColumn, allowTopologyInvalidGeometries, skipSyntaxInvalidGeometries)

From GeoJSON

Geometries in GeoJSON is similar to WKT/WKB. However, a GeoJSON file must be beaked into multiple lines.

Suppose we have a polygon.json GeoJSON file at Path /Download/polygon.json as follows:

{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "STATEFP": "01", "COUNTYFP": "077", "TRACTCE": "011501", "BLKGRPCE": "5", "AFFGEOID": "1500000US010770115015", "GEOID": "010770115015", "NAME": "5", "LSAD": "BG", "ALAND": 6844991, "AWATER": 32636 }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -87.621765, 34.873444 ], [ -87.617535, 34.873369 ], [ -87.6123, 34.873337 ], [ -87.604049, 34.873303 ], [ -87.604033, 34.872316 ], [ -87.60415, 34.867502 ], [ -87.604218, 34.865687 ], [ -87.604409, 34.858537 ], [ -87.604018, 34.851336 ], [ -87.603716, 34.844829 ], [ -87.603696, 34.844307 ], [ -87.603673, 34.841884 ], [ -87.60372, 34.841003 ], [ -87.603879, 34.838423 ], [ -87.603888, 34.837682 ], [ -87.603889, 34.83763 ], [ -87.613127, 34.833938 ], [ -87.616451, 34.832699 ], [ -87.621041, 34.831431 ], [ -87.621056, 34.831526 ], [ -87.62112, 34.831925 ], [ -87.621603, 34.8352 ], [ -87.62158, 34.836087 ], [ -87.621383, 34.84329 ], [ -87.621359, 34.844438 ], [ -87.62129, 34.846387 ], [ -87.62119, 34.85053 ], [ -87.62144, 34.865379 ], [ -87.621765, 34.873444 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "STATEFP": "01", "COUNTYFP": "045", "TRACTCE": "021102", "BLKGRPCE": "4", "AFFGEOID": "1500000US010450211024", "GEOID": "010450211024", "NAME": "4", "LSAD": "BG", "ALAND": 11360854, "AWATER": 0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -85.719017, 31.297901 ], [ -85.715626, 31.305203 ], [ -85.714271, 31.307096 ], [ -85.69999, 31.307552 ], [ -85.697419, 31.307951 ], [ -85.675603, 31.31218 ], [ -85.672733, 31.312876 ], [ -85.672275, 31.311977 ], [ -85.67145, 31.310988 ], [ -85.670622, 31.309524 ], [ -85.670729, 31.307622 ], [ -85.669876, 31.30666 ], [ -85.669796, 31.306224 ], [ -85.670356, 31.306178 ], [ -85.671664, 31.305583 ], [ -85.67177, 31.305299 ], [ -85.671878, 31.302764 ], [ -85.671344, 31.302123 ], [ -85.668276, 31.302076 ], [ -85.66566, 31.30093 ], [ -85.665687, 31.30022 ], [ -85.669183, 31.297677 ], [ -85.668703, 31.295638 ], [ -85.671985, 31.29314 ], [ -85.677177, 31.288211 ], [ -85.678452, 31.286376 ], [ -85.679236, 31.28285 ], [ -85.679195, 31.281426 ], [ -85.676865, 31.281049 ], [ -85.674661, 31.28008 ], [ -85.674377, 31.27935 ], [ -85.675714, 31.276882 ], [ -85.677938, 31.275168 ], [ -85.680348, 31.276814 ], [ -85.684032, 31.278848 ], [ -85.684387, 31.279082 ], [ -85.692398, 31.283499 ], [ -85.705032, 31.289718 ], [ -85.706755, 31.290476 ], [ -85.718102, 31.295204 ], [ -85.719132, 31.29689 ], [ -85.719017, 31.297901 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "STATEFP": "01", "COUNTYFP": "055", "TRACTCE": "001300", "BLKGRPCE": "3", "AFFGEOID": "1500000US010550013003", "GEOID": "010550013003", "NAME": "3", "LSAD": "BG", "ALAND": 1378742, "AWATER": 247387 }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -86.000685, 34.00537 ], [ -85.998837, 34.009768 ], [ -85.998012, 34.010398 ], [ -85.987865, 34.005426 ], [ -85.986656, 34.004552 ], [ -85.985, 34.002659 ], [ -85.98851, 34.001502 ], [ -85.987567, 33.999488 ], [ -85.988666, 33.99913 ], [ -85.992568, 33.999131 ], [ -85.993144, 33.999714 ], [ -85.994876, 33.995153 ], [ -85.998823, 33.989548 ], [ -85.999925, 33.994237 ], [ -86.000616, 34.000028 ], [ -86.000685, 34.00537 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "STATEFP": "01", "COUNTYFP": "089", "TRACTCE": "001700", "BLKGRPCE": "2", "AFFGEOID": "1500000US010890017002", "GEOID": "010890017002", "NAME": "2", "LSAD": "BG", "ALAND": 1040641, "AWATER": 0 }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -86.574172, 34.727375 ], [ -86.562684, 34.727131 ], [ -86.562797, 34.723865 ], [ -86.562957, 34.723168 ], [ -86.562336, 34.719766 ], [ -86.557381, 34.719143 ], [ -86.557352, 34.718322 ], [ -86.559921, 34.717363 ], [ -86.564827, 34.718513 ], [ -86.567582, 34.718565 ], [ -86.570572, 34.718577 ], [ -86.573618, 34.719377 ], [ -86.574172, 34.727375 ] ] ] } },

Use the following code to create a generic SpatialRDD:

val inputLocation = "/Download/polygon.json"
val allowTopologyInvalidGeometries = true // Optional
val skipSyntaxInvalidGeometries = false // Optional
val spatialRDD = GeoJsonReader.readToGeometryRDD(sparkSession.sparkContext, inputLocation, allowTopologyInvalidGeometries, skipSyntaxInvalidGeometries)


The way that Sedona reads JSON file is different from SparkSQL

From Shapefile

val shapefileInputLocation="/Download/myshapefile"
val spatialRDD = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(sparkSession.sparkContext, shapefileInputLocation)


The file extensions of .shp, .shx, .dbf must be in lowercase. Assume you have a shape file called myShapefile, the file structure should be like this:

- shapefile1
- shapefile2
- myshapefile
    - myshapefile.shp
    - myshapefile.shx
    - myshapefile.dbf
    - myshapefile...
    - ...

If the file you are reading contains non-ASCII characters you'll need to explicitly set the encoding via system property before the call to ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD.


System.setProperty("", "utf8")

From SparkSQL DataFrame

To create a generic SpatialRDD from CSV, TSV, WKT, WKB and GeoJSON input formats, you can use SedonaSQL. Make sure you include the full dependencies of Sedona. Read SedonaSQL API.

We use checkin.csv CSV file as the example. You can create a generic SpatialRDD using the following steps:

  1. Load data in SedonaSQL.
    var df ="csv").option("header", "false").load(csvPointInputLocation)
  2. Create a Geometry type column in SedonaSQL
    var spatialDf = sparkSession.sql(
            |SELECT ST_Point(CAST(inputtable._c0 AS Decimal(24,20)),CAST(inputtable._c1 AS Decimal(24,20))) AS checkin
            |FROM inputtable
  3. Use SedonaSQL DataFrame-RDD Adapter to convert a DataFrame to an SpatialRDD
    var spatialRDD = Adapter.toSpatialRdd(spatialDf, "checkin")

"checkin" is the name of the geometry column

For WKT/WKB/GeoJSON data, please use ST_GeomFromWKT / ST_GeomFromWKB / ST_GeomFromGeoJSON instead.

Transform the Coordinate Reference System

Sedona doesn't control the coordinate unit (degree-based or meter-based) of all geometries in an SpatialRDD. The unit of all related distances in Sedona is same as the unit of all geometries in an SpatialRDD.

To convert Coordinate Reference System of an SpatialRDD, use the following code:

val sourceCrsCode = "epsg:4326" // WGS84, the most common degree-based CRS
val targetCrsCode = "epsg:3857" // The most common meter-based CRS
objectRDD.CRSTransform(sourceCrsCode, targetCrsCode, false)

false in CRSTransform(sourceCrsCode, targetCrsCode, false) means that it will not tolerate Datum shift. If you want it to be lenient, use true instead.


CRS transformation should be done right after creating each SpatialRDD, otherwise it will lead to wrong query results. For instace, use something like this:

var objectRDD = new PointRDD(sc, pointRDDInputLocation, pointRDDOffset, pointRDDSplitter, carryOtherAttributes)
objectRDD.CRSTransform("epsg:4326", "epsg:3857", false)

The details CRS information can be found on

Read other attributes in an SpatialRDD

Each SpatialRDD can carry non-spatial attributes such as price, age and name as long as the user sets carryOtherAttributes as TRUE.

The other attributes are combined together to a string and stored in UserData field of each geometry.

To retrieve the UserData field, use the following code:

val rddWithOtherAttributes =[String](f=>f.getUserData.asInstanceOf[String])

Write a Spatial Range Query

A spatial range query takes as input a range query window and an SpatialRDD and returns all geometries that intersect / are fully covered by the query window.

Assume you now have an SpatialRDD (typed or generic). You can use the following code to issue an Spatial Range Query on it.

val rangeQueryWindow = new Envelope(-90.01, -80.01, 30.01, 40.01)
val considerBoundaryIntersection = false // Only return gemeotries fully covered by the window
val usingIndex = false
var queryResult = RangeQuery.SpatialRangeQuery(spatialRDD, rangeQueryWindow, considerBoundaryIntersection, usingIndex)

considerBoundaryIntersection can be set to TRUE to return all geometries intersect with query window.


Spatial range query is equal to ST_Within and ST_Intersects in Spatial SQL. An example query is as follows:

FROM checkin
WHERE ST_Intersects(queryWindow, checkin.location)

Range query window

Besides the rectangle (Envelope) type range query window, Sedona range query window can be Point/Polygon/LineString.

The code to create a point is as follows:

val geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory()
val pointObject = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(-84.01, 34.01))

The code to create a polygon (with 4 vertexes) is as follows:

val geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory()
val coordinates = new Array[Coordinate](5)
coordinates(0) = new Coordinate(0,0)
coordinates(1) = new Coordinate(0,4)
coordinates(2) = new Coordinate(4,4)
coordinates(3) = new Coordinate(4,0)
coordinates(4) = coordinates(0) // The last coordinate is the same as the first coordinate in order to compose a closed ring
val polygonObject = geometryFactory.createPolygon(coordinates)

The code to create a line string (with 4 vertexes) is as follows:

val geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory()
val coordinates = new Array[Coordinate](4)
coordinates(0) = new Coordinate(0,0)
coordinates(1) = new Coordinate(0,4)
coordinates(2) = new Coordinate(4,4)
coordinates(3) = new Coordinate(4,0)
val linestringObject = geometryFactory.createLineString(coordinates)

Use spatial indexes

Sedona provides two types of spatial indexes, Quad-Tree and R-Tree. Once you specify an index type, Sedona will build a local tree index on each of the SpatialRDD partition.

To utilize a spatial index in a spatial range query, use the following code:

val rangeQueryWindow = new Envelope(-90.01, -80.01, 30.01, 40.01)
val considerBoundaryIntersection = false // Only return gemeotries fully covered by the window

val buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD = false // Set to TRUE only if run join query
spatialRDD.buildIndex(IndexType.QUADTREE, buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD)

val usingIndex = true
var queryResult = RangeQuery.SpatialRangeQuery(spatialRDD, rangeQueryWindow, considerBoundaryIntersection, usingIndex)


Using an index might not be the best choice all the time because building index also takes time. A spatial index is very useful when your data is complex polygons and line strings.

Output format

The output format of the spatial range query is another SpatialRDD.

Write a Spatial KNN Query

A spatial K Nearnest Neighbor query takes as input a K, a query point and an SpatialRDD and finds the K geometries in the RDD which are the closest to he query point.

Assume you now have an SpatialRDD (typed or generic). You can use the following code to issue an Spatial KNN Query on it.

val geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory()
val pointObject = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(-84.01, 34.01))
val K = 1000 // K Nearest Neighbors
val usingIndex = false
val result = KNNQuery.SpatialKnnQuery(objectRDD, pointObject, K, usingIndex)


Spatial KNN query that returns 5 Nearest Neighbors is equal to the following statement in Spatial SQL

SELECT, ck.rating, ST_Distance(ck.location, myLocation) AS distance
FROM checkins ck
ORDER BY distance DESC

Query center geometry

Besides the Point type, Sedona KNN query center can be Polygon and LineString.

To learn how to create Polygon and LineString object, see Range query window.

Use spatial indexes

To utilize a spatial index in a spatial KNN query, use the following code:

val geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory()
val pointObject = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(-84.01, 34.01))
val K = 1000 // K Nearest Neighbors

val buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD = false // Set to TRUE only if run join query
objectRDD.buildIndex(IndexType.RTREE, buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD)

val usingIndex = true
val result = KNNQuery.SpatialKnnQuery(objectRDD, pointObject, K, usingIndex)


Only R-Tree index supports Spatial KNN query

Output format

The output format of the spatial KNN query is a list of geometries. The list has K geometry objects.

Write a Spatial Join Query

A spatial join query takes as input two Spatial RDD A and B. For each geometry in A, finds the geometries (from B) covered/intersected by it. A and B can be any geometry type and are not necessary to have the same geometry type.

Assume you now have two SpatialRDDs (typed or generic). You can use the following code to issue an Spatial Join Query on them.

val considerBoundaryIntersection = false // Only return gemeotries fully covered by each query window in queryWindowRDD
val usingIndex = false



val result = JoinQuery.SpatialJoinQuery(objectRDD, queryWindowRDD, usingIndex, considerBoundaryIntersection)


Spatial join query is equal to the following query in Spatial SQL:

FROM city, superhero
WHERE ST_Contains(city.geom, superhero.geom);
Find the super heros in each city

Use spatial partitioning

Sedona spatial partitioning method can significantly speed up the join query. Three spatial partitioning methods are available: KDB-Tree, Quad-Tree and R-Tree. Two SpatialRDD must be partitioned by the same way.

If you first partition SpatialRDD A, then you must use the partitioner of A to partition B.




Use spatial indexes

To utilize a spatial index in a spatial join query, use the following code:


val buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD = true // Set to TRUE only if run join query
val usingIndex = true
queryWindowRDD.buildIndex(IndexType.QUADTREE, buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD)

val result = JoinQuery.SpatialJoinQueryFlat(objectRDD, queryWindowRDD, usingIndex, considerBoundaryIntersection)

The index should be built on either one of two SpatialRDDs. In general, you should build it on the larger SpatialRDD.

Output format

The output format of the spatial join query is a PairRDD. In this PairRDD, each object is a pair of two geometries. The left one is the geometry from objectRDD and the right one is the geometry from the queryWindowRDD.


Each object on the left is covered/intersected by the object on the right.

Write a Distance Join Query

A distance join query takes as input two Spatial RDD A and B and a distance. For each geometry in A, finds the geometries (from B) are within the given distance to it. A and B can be any geometry type and are not necessary to have the same geometry type. The unit of the distance is explained here.

Assume you now have two SpatialRDDs (typed or generic). You can use the following code to issue an Distance Join Query on them.


val circleRDD = new CircleRDD(objectRddA, 0.1) // Create a CircleRDD using the given distance


val considerBoundaryIntersection = false // Only return gemeotries fully covered by each query window in queryWindowRDD
val usingIndex = false

val result = JoinQuery.DistanceJoinQueryFlat(objectRddB, circleRDD, usingIndex, considerBoundaryIntersection)

The rest part of the join query is same as the spatial join query.

The details of spatial partitioning in join query is here.

The details of using spatial indexes in join query is here.

The output format of the distance join query is here.


Distance join query is equal to the following query in Spatial SQL:

FROM city, superhero
WHERE ST_Distance(city.geom, superhero.geom) <= 10;
Find the super heros within 10 miles of each city

Save to permanent storage

You can always save an SpatialRDD back to some permanent storage such as HDFS and Amazon S3. You can save distributed SpatialRDD to WKT, GeoJSON and object files.


Non-spatial attributes such as price, age and name will also be stored to permanent storage.

Save an SpatialRDD (not indexed)

Typed SpatialRDD and generic SpatialRDD can be saved to permanent storage.

Save to distributed WKT text file

Use the following code to save an SpatialRDD as a distributed WKT text file:


Save to distributed WKB text file

Use the following code to save an SpatialRDD as a distributed WKB text file:


Save to distributed GeoJSON text file

Use the following code to save an SpatialRDD as a distributed GeoJSON text file:


Save to distributed object file

Use the following code to save an SpatialRDD as a distributed object file:



Each object in a distributed object file is a byte array (not human-readable). This byte array is the serialized format of a Geometry or a SpatialIndex.

Save an SpatialRDD (indexed)

Indexed typed SpatialRDD and generic SpatialRDD can be saved to permanent storage. However, the indexed SpatialRDD has to be stored as a distributed object file.

Save to distributed object file

Use the following code to save an SpatialRDD as a distributed object file:


Save an SpatialRDD (spatialPartitioned W/O indexed)

A spatial partitioned RDD can be saved to permanent storage but Spark is not able to maintain the same RDD partition Id of the original RDD. This will lead to wrong join query results. We are working on some solutions. Stay tuned!

Reload a saved SpatialRDD

You can easily reload an SpatialRDD that has been saved to a distributed object file.

Load to a typed SpatialRDD

Use the following code to reload the PointRDD/PolygonRDD/LineStringRDD:

var savedRDD = new PointRDD(sc.objectFile[Point]("hdfs://PATH"))

var savedRDD = new PointRDD(sc.objectFile[Polygon]("hdfs://PATH"))

var savedRDD = new PointRDD(sc.objectFile[LineString]("hdfs://PATH"))

Load to a generic SpatialRDD

Use the following code to reload the SpatialRDD:

var savedRDD = new SpatialRDD[Geometry]
savedRDD.rawSpatialRDD = sc.objectFile[Geometry]("hdfs://PATH")

Use the following code to reload the indexed SpatialRDD:

var savedRDD = new SpatialRDD[Geometry]
savedRDD.indexedRawRDD = sc.objectFile[SpatialIndex]("hdfs://PATH")

Last update: December 11, 2021 04:34:35