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Spatial SQL applications in R language

In apache.sedona , sdf_register(), a S3 generic from sparklyr converting a lower-level object to a Spark dataframe, can be applied to a SpatialRDD objects:


sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
polygon_rdd <- sedona_read_geojson(sc, location = "/tmp/polygon.json")
polygon_sdf <- polygon_rdd %>% sdf_register()

polygon_sdf %>% print(n = 3)
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 1]
##   geometry
##   <list>
## 1 <POLYGON ((-87.621765 34.873444, -87.617535 34.873369, -87.6123 34.873337, -8…
## 2 <POLYGON ((-85.719017 31.297901, -85.715626 31.305203, -85.714271 31.307096, …
## 3 <POLYGON ((-86.000685 34.00537, -85.998837 34.009768, -85.998012 34.010398, -…
## # … with more rows

The resulting Spark dataframe object can then be modified using dplyr verbs familiar to many R users. In addition, spatial UDFs supported by Sedona can inter-operate seamlessly with other functions supported in sparklyr’s dbplyr SQL translation env. For example, the code below finds the average area of all polygons in polygon_sdf:

mean_area_sdf <- polygon_sdf %>%
  dplyr::summarize(dplyr::summarize(mean_area = mean(ST_Area(geometry))))
## # Source: spark<?> [?? x 1]
##   mean_area
##       <dbl>
## 1   0.00217

Once spatial objects are imported into Spark dataframes, they can also be easily integrated with other non-spatial attributes, e.g.,

modified_polygon_sdf <- polygon_sdf %>%
  dplyr::mutate(type = "polygon")

Notice that all of the above can open up many interesting possiblities. For example, one can extract ML features from geospatial data in Spark dataframes, build a ML pipeline using ml_* family of functions in sparklyr to work with such features, and if the output of a ML model happens to be a geospatial object as well, one can even apply visualization routines in apache.sedona to visualize the difference between any predicted geometry and the corresponding ground truth.

Last update: September 29, 2021 04:57:22