Raster input and output
Geotiff Dataframe Loader¶
Introduction: The GeoTiff loader of Sedona is a Spark built-in data source. It can read a single geotiff image or a number of geotiff images into a DataFrame.
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
The input path could be a path to a single GeoTiff image or a directory of GeoTiff images. You can optionally append an option to drop invalid images. The geometry bound of each image is automatically loaded as a Sedona geometry and is transformed to WGS84 (EPSG:4326) reference system.
var geotiffDF = sparkSession.read.format("geotiff").option("dropInvalid", true).load("YOUR_PATH")
|-- image: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- origin: string (nullable = true)
| |-- Geometry: geometry (nullable = true)
| |-- height: integer (nullable = true)
| |-- width: integer (nullable = true)
| |-- nBands: integer (nullable = true)
| |-- data: array (nullable = true)
| | |-- element: double (containsNull = true)
You can also select sub-attributes individually to construct a new DataFrame
geotiffDF = geotiffDF.selectExpr("image.origin as origin","ST_GeomFromWkt(image.wkt) as Geom", "image.height as height", "image.width as width", "image.data as data", "image.nBands as bands")
| origin| Geom|height|width| data|bands|
|file:///home/hp/D...|POLYGON ((-58.699...| 32| 32|[1058.0, 1039.0, ...| 4|
|file:///home/hp/D...|POLYGON ((-58.297...| 32| 32|[1258.0, 1298.0, ...| 4|
Introduction: Return a particular band from Geotiff Dataframe
The number of total bands can be obtained from the GeoTiff loader
Format: RS_GetBand (allBandValues: Array[Double], targetBand:Int, totalBands:Int)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val BandDF = spark.sql("select RS_GetBand(data, 2, Band) as targetBand from GeotiffDataframe")
| targetBand|
|[1058.0, 1039.0, ...|
|[1258.0, 1298.0, ...|
Introduction: Create an array that is filled by the given value
Format: RS_Array(length:Int, value: Decimal)
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
SELECT RS_Array(height * width, 0.0)
Introduction: Return a Base64 String from a geotiff image
Format: RS_Base64 (height:Int, width:Int, redBand: Array[Double], greenBand: Array[Double], blackBand: Array[Double],
optional: alphaBand: Array[Double])
Since: v1.1.0
Spark SQL example:
val BandDF = spark.sql("select RS_Base64(h, w, band1, band2, RS_Array(h*w, 0)) as baseString from dataframe")
| baseString|
Although the 3 RGB bands are mandatory, you can use RS_Array(h*w, 0.0) to create an array (zeroed out, size = h * w) as input.
Introduction: Return a html img tag with the base64 string embedded
Format: RS_HTML(base64:String, optional: width_in_px:String)
Spark SQL example:
df.selectExpr("RS_HTML(encodedstring, '300') as htmlstring" ).show()
| htmlstring|
|<img src="data:im...|
|<img src="data:im...|