SedonaSQL supports many parameters. To change their values,
- Set it through SparkConf:
sparkSession = SparkSession.builder(). config("spark.serializer","org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"). config("spark.kryo.registrator", "org.apache.sedona.core.serde.SedonaKryoRegistrator"). config("","true") master("local[*]").appName("mySedonaSQLdemo").getOrCreate()
- Check your current SedonaSQL configuration:
val sedonaConf = new SedonaConf(sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf) println(sedonaConf)
- Use spatial index (currently, only supports in SQL range join and SQL distance join)
- Default: true
- Possible values: true, false
- Spatial index type, only valid when "" is true
- Default: quadtree
- Possible values: rtree, quadtree
- sedona.join.gridtype
- Spatial partitioning grid type for join query
- Default: kdbtree
- Possible values: quadtree, kdbtree
- sedona.join.numpartition (Advanced users only!)
- Number of partitions for both sides in a join query
- Default: -1, which means use the existing partitions
- Possible values: any integers
- sedona.join.indexbuildside (Advanced users only!)
- The side which Sedona builds spatial indices on
- Default: left
- Possible values: left, right
- sedona.join.spatitionside (Advanced users only!)
- The dominant side in spatial partitioning stage
- Default: left
- Possible values: left, right
Last update:
May 19, 2021 02:30:39