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SedonaSQL query optimizer

Sedona Spatial operators fully supports Apache SparkSQL query optimizer. It has the following query optimization features:

  • Automatically optimizes range join query and distance join query.
  • Automatically performs predicate pushdown.

Range join

Introduction: Find geometries from A and geometries from B such that each geometry pair satisfies a certain predicate. Most predicates supported by SedonaSQL can trigger a range join.

Spark SQL Example:

FROM polygondf, pointdf
WHERE ST_Contains(polygondf.polygonshape,pointdf.pointshape)
FROM polygondf, pointdf
WHERE ST_Intersects(polygondf.polygonshape,pointdf.pointshape)

FROM pointdf, polygondf
WHERE ST_Within(pointdf.pointshape, polygondf.polygonshape)
Spark SQL Physical plan:
== Physical Plan ==
RangeJoin polygonshape#20: geometry, pointshape#43: geometry, false
:- Project [st_polygonfromenvelope(cast(_c0#0 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#1 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c2#2 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c3#3 as decimal(24,20)), mypolygonid) AS polygonshape#20]
:  +- *FileScan csv
+- Project [st_point(cast(_c0#31 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#32 as decimal(24,20)), myPointId) AS pointshape#43]
   +- *FileScan csv


All join queries in SedonaSQL are inner joins

Distance join

Introduction: Find geometries from A and geometries from B such that the internal Euclidean distance of each geometry pair is less or equal than a certain distance

Spark SQL Example:

Only consider fully within a certain distance

FROM pointdf1, pointdf2
WHERE ST_Distance(pointdf1.pointshape1,pointdf2.pointshape2) < 2

Consider intersects within a certain distance

FROM pointdf1, pointdf2
WHERE ST_Distance(pointdf1.pointshape1,pointdf2.pointshape2) <= 2

Spark SQL Physical plan:

== Physical Plan ==
DistanceJoin pointshape1#12: geometry, pointshape2#33: geometry, 2.0, true
:- Project [st_point(cast(_c0#0 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#1 as decimal(24,20)), myPointId) AS pointshape1#12]
:  +- *FileScan csv
+- Project [st_point(cast(_c0#21 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#22 as decimal(24,20)), myPointId) AS pointshape2#33]
   +- *FileScan csv


Sedona doesn't control the distance's unit (degree or meter). It is same with the geometry. To change the geometry's unit, please transform the coordinate reference system. See ST_Transform.

Broadcast join

Introduction: Perform a range join or distance join but broadcast one of the sides of the join. This maintains the partitioning of the non-broadcast side and doesn't require a shuffle.

pointDf.alias("pointDf").join(broadcast(polygonDf).alias("polygonDf"), expr("ST_Contains(polygonDf.polygonshape, pointDf.pointshape)"))

Spark SQL Physical plan:

== Physical Plan ==
BroadcastIndexJoin pointshape#52: geometry, BuildRight, BuildRight, false ST_Contains(polygonshape#30, pointshape#52)
:- Project [st_point(cast(_c0#48 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#49 as decimal(24,20))) AS pointshape#52]
:  +- FileScan csv
+- SpatialIndex polygonshape#30: geometry, QUADTREE, [id=#62]
   +- Project [st_polygonfromenvelope(cast(_c0#22 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#23 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c2#24 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c3#25 as decimal(24,20))) AS polygonshape#30]
      +- FileScan csv

This also works for distance joins:

pointDf1.alias("pointDf1").join(broadcast(pointDf2).alias("pointDf2"), expr("ST_Distance(pointDf1.pointshape, pointDf2.pointshape) <= 2"))

Spark SQL Physical plan:

== Physical Plan ==
BroadcastIndexJoin pointshape#52: geometry, BuildRight, BuildLeft, true, 2.0 ST_Distance(pointshape#52, pointshape#415) <= 2.0
:- Project [st_point(cast(_c0#48 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#49 as decimal(24,20))) AS pointshape#52]
:  +- FileScan csv
+- SpatialIndex pointshape#415: geometry, QUADTREE, [id=#1068]
   +- Project [st_point(cast(_c0#48 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#49 as decimal(24,20))) AS pointshape#415]
      +- FileScan csv

Note: Ff the distance is an expression, it is only evaluated on the first argument to ST_Distance (pointDf1 above).

Predicate pushdown

Introduction: Given a join query and a predicate in the same WHERE clause, first executes the Predicate as a filter, then executes the join query*

Spark SQL Example:

FROM polygondf, pointdf 
WHERE ST_Contains(polygondf.polygonshape,pointdf.pointshape)
AND ST_Contains(ST_PolygonFromEnvelope(1.0,101.0,501.0,601.0), polygondf.polygonshape)

Spark SQL Physical plan:

== Physical Plan ==
RangeJoin polygonshape#20: geometry, pointshape#43: geometry, false
:- Project [st_polygonfromenvelope(cast(_c0#0 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#1 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c2#2 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c3#3 as decimal(24,20)), mypolygonid) AS polygonshape#20]
:  +- Filter  **org.apache.spark.sql.sedona_sql.expressions.ST_Contains$**
:     +- *FileScan csv
+- Project [st_point(cast(_c0#31 as decimal(24,20)), cast(_c1#32 as decimal(24,20)), myPointId) AS pointshape#43]
   +- *FileScan csv

Last update: May 19, 2021 02:30:39