Download statistics¶
What can Sedona do?¶
Distributed spatial datasets¶
- Spatial RDD on Spark
- Spatial DataFrame/SQL on Spark
- Spatial DataStream on Flink
- Spatial Table/SQL on Flink
- Spatial SQL on Snowflake
Complex spatial objects¶
- Vector geometries / trajectories
- Raster images with Map Algebra
- Various input formats: CSV, TSV, WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, Shapefile, GeoTIFF, ArcGrid, NetCDF/HDF
Distributed spatial queries¶
- Spatial query: range query, range join query, distance join query, K Nearest Neighbor query
- Spatial index: R-Tree, Quad-Tree
Rich spatial analytics tools¶
- Coordinate Reference System / Spatial Reference System Transformation
- Apache Zeppelin dashboard integration
- Integrate with a variety of Python tools including Jupyter notebook, GeoPandas, Shapely
- Integrate with a variety of visualization tools including KeplerGL, DeckGL
- High resolution and scalable map generation: Visualize Spatial DataFrame/RDD
- Support Scala, Java, Python, R