package spider
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
AffineTransform(translateX: Double, translateY: Double, scaleX: Double, scaleY: Double, skewX: Double, skewY: Double) extends Product with Serializable
Represents an affine transformation matrix.
Represents an affine transformation matrix.
The transformation matrix is represented as:
scaleX skewX translateX
skewY scaleY translateY
0 0 1
SpiderDataSource extends TableProvider with DataSourceRegister
DataSource for generating random geometric data.
DataSource for generating random geometric data. The idea and algorithms of this data source comes from this following publication: Puloma Katiyar, Tin Vu, Sara Migliorini, Alberto Belussi, Ahmed Eldawy. "SpiderWeb: A Spatial Data Generator on the Web", ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020, Seattle, WA
- case class SpiderPartition(index: Int, startIndex: Long, numRows: Long, seed: Long, distribution: String, transform: AffineTransform, opts: Map[String, String]) extends InputPartition with Product with Serializable
- class SpiderPartitionReader extends PartitionReader[InternalRow]
- class SpiderTable extends Table with SupportsRead
Value Members
- object SpiderTable