
package spider

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AffineTransform(translateX: Double, translateY: Double, scaleX: Double, scaleY: Double, skewX: Double, skewY: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an affine transformation matrix.

    Represents an affine transformation matrix.

    The transformation matrix is represented as:

    scaleX skewX translateX

    skewY scaleY translateY

    0 0 1

  2. class SpiderDataSource extends TableProvider with DataSourceRegister

    DataSource for generating random geometric data.

    DataSource for generating random geometric data. The idea and algorithms of this data source comes from this following publication: Puloma Katiyar, Tin Vu, Sara Migliorini, Alberto Belussi, Ahmed Eldawy. "SpiderWeb: A Spatial Data Generator on the Web", ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020, Seattle, WA

  3. case class SpiderPartition(index: Int, startIndex: Long, numRows: Long, seed: Long, distribution: String, transform: AffineTransform, opts: Map[String, String]) extends InputPartition with Product with Serializable
  4. class SpiderPartitionReader extends PartitionReader[InternalRow]
  5. class SpiderTable extends Table with SupportsRead

Value Members

  1. object SpiderTable
