



package spatialPartitioning

Type Members

  1. class BroadcastedSpatialPartitioner extends SpatialPartitioner

    The SpatialPartitioner may contain a large number of grids, which may make the serialized tasks to be larger than 1MB and trigger a warning: "WARN DAGScheduler: Broadcasting large task binary with size XXXX KB".

    The SpatialPartitioner may contain a large number of grids, which may make the serialized tasks to be larger than 1MB and trigger a warning: "WARN DAGScheduler: Broadcasting large task binary with size XXXX KB". This class is a wrapper around a SpatialPartitioner that is broadcasted to reduce the size of serialized tasks.

  2. class EqualPartitioning extends Serializable

    The Class EqualPartitioning.

  3. class FlatGridPartitioner extends SpatialPartitioner

    The FlatGridPartitioner is used when there is already a set of grids which the data should be partitioned into.

    The FlatGridPartitioner is used when there is already a set of grids which the data should be partitioned into. It iterates through all the grids to find the grids to place a geometry into. Unless you have very few objects to place, it may make more sense to use the IndexedGridPartitioner. If you do not have a strict requirement to use a specific set of grids, it may make more sense to use another partitioner that generates its own grids from a space-partitioning tree, e.g. the KDBTreePartitioner or the QuadTreePartitioner.

  4. class GenericUniquePartitioner extends SpatialPartitioner
  5. class HilbertPartitioning extends Serializable
  6. class IndexedGridPartitioner extends FlatGridPartitioner

    The IndexedGridPartitioner is used when there is already a set of grids which the data should be partitioned into.

    The IndexedGridPartitioner is used when there is already a set of grids which the data should be partitioned into. It leverages an STRTree to quickly find the grids to place a geometry into. If you have very few objects to place, it may make more sense to use the FlatGridPartitioner. If you do not have a strict requirement to use a specific set of grids, it may make more sense to use another partitioner that generates its own grids from space-partitioning tree, e.g. the KDBTreePartitioner or the QuadTreePartitioner.

  7. class KDB extends PartitioningUtils with Serializable

    see <a href="">

  8. class KDBTreePartitioner extends SpatialPartitioner
  9. abstract class PartitioningUtils extends AnyRef
  10. class QuadTreePartitioner extends SpatialPartitioner
  11. class QuadTreeRTPartitioner extends QuadTreePartitioner

    This class implements spatial partitioner based on the principles outlined in:

    This class implements spatial partitioner based on the principles outlined in:

    It uses the Quad-tree partitioning strategy to create balanced partitions This partitioning is essential for efficiently executing kNN joins. The process involves the following steps:

    1. **Quad-tree Partitioning**: - Data is partitioned into partitions using the Quad-tree data structure. - This ensures balanced partitions and spatial locality preservation.

    2. **Global R-Tree Index Construction**: - A set of random samples S' from the dataset S is taken. - An R-tree T is built over S' in the master node (driver program).

    3. **Distance Bound Calculation**: - For each partition Ri, the distance ui from the furthest point in Ri to the centroid cri is calculated. - k-nearest neighbors of each centroid cri are found using the R-tree T. - A distance bound γi is derived for each Ri, defined as γi = 2ui +

    |cri, sk|, where sk is the k-th nearest neighbor of cri.

    4. **Partitioning Neighbors**: - For each partition Ri, a subset Si ⊂ S is identified such that for any r ∈ Ri, knn(r, S) = knn(r, Si) using a circle range query centered at cri with radius γi. - This guarantees that the k-nearest neighbors of any point in Ri can be found within the subset Si.

    5. **Parallel Local kNN Joins**: - Each combined partition (Ri, Si) is processed in parallel. - An R-tree is built over Si, and a local kNN join is performed for each record in Ri. - The results from all partitions are combined to produce the final kNN join results.

    Reference: Xie, Dong, et al. "Simba: Efficient in-memory spatial analytics." In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD '16), 2016, DOI: 10.1145/2882903.2915237.

  12. class QuadTreeRTPartitioning extends QuadtreePartitioning

    The class is used to build an R-tree over a random sample of another dataset and uses distance bounds to ensure efficient local kNN joins.

    The class is used to build an R-tree over a random sample of another dataset and uses distance bounds to ensure efficient local kNN joins.

    By calculating distance bounds and using circle range queries, it ensures that the subsets Si, containing all necessary points for accurate kNN results. The final union of local join results provides the complete kNN join result for the datasets R and S.

    It generates List<List<Integer>> expandedPartitionedBoundaries based on the quad tree.

  13. class QuadtreePartitioning extends Serializable
  14. class RtreePartitioning extends Serializable

    The Class RtreePartitioning.

  15. abstract class SpatialPartitioner extends Partitioner with Serializable
  16. class VoronoiPartitioning extends Serializable

    The Class VoronoiPartitioning.
