object ScalaExample extends App
The Class ScalaExample.
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- ScalaExample
- App
- DelayedInit
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Value Members
- var ConfFile: FileInputStream
- val HDFDataVariableList: Array[String]
- val HDFDataVariableName: String
- val HDFIncrement: Int
- val HDFOffset: Int
- val HDFRootGroupName: String
- val HDFswitchXY: Boolean
- val LineStringInputLocation: String
- val LineStringNumPartitions: Int
- val LineStringOffset: Int
- val LineStringSplitter: FileDataSplitter
- val PointInputLocation: String
- val PointNumPartitions: Int
- val PointOffset: Int
- val PointSplitter: FileDataSplitter
- val PolygonInputLocation: String
- val PolygonNumPartitions: Int
- val PolygonOffset: Int
- val PolygonSplitter: FileDataSplitter
- val RectangleInputLocation: String
- val RectangleNumPartitions: Int
- val RectangleOffset: Int
- val RectangleSplitter: FileDataSplitter
- val USMainLandBoundary: Envelope
buildChoroplethMap(outputPath: String): Boolean
Builds the choropleth map.
Builds the choropleth map.
- outputPath
the output path
- returns
true, if successful
buildHeatMap(outputPath: String): Boolean
Builds the heat map.
Builds the heat map.
- outputPath
the output path
- returns
true, if successful
buildScatterPlot(outputPath: String): Boolean
Builds the scatter plot.
Builds the scatter plot.
- outputPath
the output path
- returns
true, if successful
- val choroplethMapOutputPath: String
- val demoOutputPath: String
- val earthdataInputLocation: String
- val earthdataNumPartitions: Int
- val earthdataScatterPlotOutputPath: String
- def earthdataVisualization(outputPath: String): Boolean
executionStart: Long
- Definition Classes
- App
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding( ... , "2.11.0" )
- val heatMapOutputPath: String
main(args: Array[String]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- App
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding( "main should not be overridden" , "2.11.0" )
parallelFilterRenderNoStitch(outputPath: String): Boolean
Parallel filter render stitch.
Parallel filter render stitch.
- outputPath
the output path
- returns
true, if successful
parallelFilterRenderStitch(outputPath: String): Boolean
Parallel filter render stitch.
Parallel filter render stitch.
- outputPath
the output path
- returns
true, if successful
- val parallelFilterRenderStitchOutputPath: String
- val prop: Properties
- val resourcePath: String
- val scatterPlotOutputPath: String
- val sparkConf: SparkConf
- val sparkContext: SparkContext
- val urlPrefix: String
Deprecated Value Members
delayedInit(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- App → DelayedInit
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) the delayedInit mechanism will disappear