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Install Sedona-Zeppelin


Known issue: due to an issue in Leaflet JS, Sedona can only plot each geometry (point, line string and polygon) as a point on Zeppelin map. To enjoy the scalable and full-fledged visualization, please use SedonaViz to plot scatter plots and heat maps on Zeppelin map.


Apache Spark 2.3+

Apache Zeppelin 0.8.1+

Sedona 1.0.0+: Sedona-core, Sedona-SQL, Sedona-Viz



You only need to do Step 1 and 2 only if you cannot see Apache-sedona or GeoSpark Zeppelin in Zeppelin Helium package list.

Create Helium folder (optional)

Create a folder called helium in Zeppelin root folder.

Add Sedona-Zeppelin description (optional)

Create a file called sedona-zeppelin.json in this folder and put the following content in this file. You need to change the artifact path!

  "type": "VISUALIZATION",
  "name": "sedona-zeppelin",
  "description": "Zeppelin visualization support for Sedona",
  "artifact": "/Absolute/Path/sedona/zeppelin",
  "license": "BSD-2-Clause",
  "icon": "<i class='fa fa-globe'></i>"

Enable Sedona-Zeppelin

Restart Zeppelin then open Zeppelin Helium interface and enable Sedona-Zeppelin.

Enable Package

Add Sedona dependencies in Zeppelin Spark Interpreter


Visualize SedonaSQL results


Display SedonaViz results


Now, you are good to go! Please read Sedona-Zeppelin tutorial for a hands-on tutorial.

Last update: April 12, 2024 03:02:34