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Develop Sedona

Scala/Java developers


We recommend Intellij IDEA with Scala plugin installed. Please make sure that the IDE has JDK 1.8 set as project default.

Import the project

Choose Open

Go to the Sedona root folder (not a submodule folder) and choose open

The IDE might show errors

The IDE usually has trouble understanding the complex project structure in Sedona.

Fix errors by changing pom.xml

You need to comment out the following lines in pom.xml at the root folder, as follows. Remember that you should NOT submit this change to Sedona.

<!--    <parent>-->
<!--        <groupId>org.apache</groupId>-->
<!--        <artifactId>apache</artifactId>-->
<!--        <version>23</version>-->
<!--        <relativePath />-->
<!--    </parent>-->

Reload pom.xml

Make sure you reload the pom.xml or reload the maven project. The IDE will ask you to remove some modules. Please select yes.

The final project structure should be like this:

Run unit tests

Run all unit tests

In a terminal, go to the Sedona root folder. Run mvn clean install. All tests will take more than 15 minutes. To only build the project jars, run mvn clean install -DskipTests.


mvn clean install will compile Sedona with Spark 3.0 and Scala 2.12. If you have a different version of Spark in $SPARK_HOME, make sure to specify that using -Dspark command line arg. For example, to compile sedona with Spark 3.4 and Scala 2.12, use: mvn clean install -Dspark=3.4 -Dscala=2.12

More details can be found on Compile Sedona

Run a single unit test

In the IDE, right-click a test case and run this test case.

The IDE might tell you that the PATH does not exist as follows:

Go to Edit Configuration

Append the submodule folder to Working Directory. For example, sedona/sql.

Re-run the test case. Do NOT right-click the test case to re-run. Instead, click the button as shown in the figure below.

Python developers


We recommend PyCharm.

Run Python tests

Run all Python tests

To run all Python test cases, follow steps mentioned here.

Run all Python tests in a single test file

To run a particular Python test file, specify the path of the .py file to pipenv.

For example, to run all tests in located in python/tests/sql/, use: pipenv run pytest tests/sql/

Run a single test

To run a particular test in a particular .py test file, specify file_name::class_name::test_name to the pytest command.

For example, to run the test on ST_Contains function located in sql/, use: pipenv run pytest tests/sql/

Import the project

R developers

More details to come.


We recommend RStudio

Import the project

Last update: April 22, 2024 17:28:27