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Maven Coordinates

Use Sedona shaded (fat) jars


For Scala/Java/Python users, this is the most common way to use Sedona in your environment. Do not use separate Sedona jars unless you are sure that you do not need shaded jars.


For R users, this is the only way to use Sedona in your environment.

The optional GeoTools library is required if you want to use CRS transformation, ShapefileReader or GeoTiff reader. This wrapper library is a re-distribution of GeoTools official jars. The only purpose of this library is to bring GeoTools jars from OSGEO repository to Maven Central. This library is under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) license so we cannot package it in Sedona official release.

Sedona with Apache Spark

<!-- Optional: -->
<!-- Optional: -->

Sedona with Apache Flink

<!-- Optional: -->

netCDF-Java 5.4.2

For Scala / Java API, it is required only if you want to read HDF/NetCDF files.

HDF/NetCDF function is only supported in Spark RDD with Java/Scala API. The current function is deprecated and more mature support will be released soon.

Under BSD 3-clause (compatible with Apache 2.0 license)

Add HDF/NetCDF dependency

Add unidata repo to your POM.xml

        <name>Unidata All</name>

Then add cdm-core to your POM dependency.

<!-- -->

Use Sedona unshaded jars


For Scala, Java, Python users, please use the following jars only if you satisfy these conditions: (1) you know how to exclude transient dependencies in a complex application. (2) your environment has internet access (3) you are using some sort of Maven package resolver, or pom.xml, or build.sbt. It usually directly takes an input like this GroupID:ArtifactID:Version. If you don't understand what we are talking about, the following jars are not for you.

The optional GeoTools library is required if you want to use CRS transformation, ShapefileReader or GeoTiff reader. This wrapper library is a re-distribution of GeoTools official jars. The only purpose of this library is to bring GeoTools jars from OSGEO repository to Maven Central. This library is under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) license so we cannot package it in Sedona official release.

Sedona with Apache Spark

<!-- Required if you use Sedona Python -->
<!-- Required if you use Sedona Python -->

Sedona with Apache Flink


netCDF-Java 5.4.2

For Scala / Java API, it is required only if you want to read HDF/NetCDF files.

HDF/NetCDF function is only supported in Spark RDD with Java/Scala API. The current function is deprecated and more mature support will be released soon.

Under BSD 3-clause (compatible with Apache 2.0 license)

Add HDF/NetCDF dependency

Add unidata repo to your POM.xml

        <name>Unidata All</name>

Then add cdm-core to your POM dependency.

<!-- -->

SNAPSHOT versions

Sometimes Sedona has a SNAPSHOT version for the upcoming release. It follows the same naming conversion but has "SNAPSHOT" as suffix in the version. For example, 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT

In order to download SNAPSHOTs, you need to add the following repositories in your POM.XML or build.sbt


resolvers += "Apache Software Foundation Snapshots" at ""



Last update: March 21, 2023 03:12:18