Maven Coordinates¶
Sedona Spark has four modules: sedona-core, sedona-sql, sedona-viz, sedona-python-adapter
. sedona-python-adapter
is a fat jar of sedona-core, sedona-sql
and python adapter code. If you want to use SedonaViz, you will include one more jar: sedona-viz
Sedona Flink has four modules :sedona-core, sedona-sql, sedona-python-adapter, sedona-flink
. sedona-python-adapter
is a fat jar of sedona-core, sedona-sql
Use Sedona fat jars¶
For Scala/Java/Python/R users, this is the most common way to use Sedona in your environment. Do not use separate Sedona jars othwerwise you will get dependency conflicts. sedona-python-adapter
already contains all you need.
The optional GeoTools library is required only if you want to use CRS transformation and ShapefileReader. This wrapper library is a re-distriution of GeoTools official jars. The only purpose of this library is to bring GeoTools jars from OSGEO repository to Maven Central. This libary is under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) license so we cannot package it in Sedona official release.
Sedona with Apache Spark
<!-- Optional: -->
<!-- Optional: -->
Sedona with Apache Flink
<!-- Optional: -->
netCDF-Java 5.4.2¶
For Scala / Java API, it is required only if you want to read HDF/NetCDF files.
HDF/NetCDF function is only supported in Spark RDD with Java/Scala API. The current function is deprecated and more mature support will be released soon.
Under BSD 3-clause (compatible with Apache 2.0 license)
Add HDF/NetCDF dependency
Add unidata repo to your POM.xml
<name>Unidata All</name>
Then add cdm-core to your POM dependency.
<!-- -->
Use Sedona and third-party jars separately¶
For Scala and Java users, if by any chance you don't want to use an uber jar that includes every dependency, you can use the following jars instead. Otherwise, please do not continue reading this section.
Sedona with Apache Spark
Sedona with Apache Flink
LocationTech JTS-core 1.18.0+¶
Under Eclipse Public License 2.0 ("EPL") or the Eclipse Distribution License 1.0 (a BSD Style License)
<!-- -->
jts2geojson 0.16.1+¶
Under MIT License. Please make sure you exclude jts and jackson from this library.
<!-- -->
GeoTools 24.0+¶
GeoTools library is required only if you want to use CRS transformation and ShapefileReader. This wrapper library is a re-distriution of GeoTools official jars. The only purpose of this library is to bring GeoTools jars from OSGEO repository to Maven Central. This libary is under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) license so we cannot package it in Sedona official release.
<!-- -->
netCDF-Java 5.4.2¶
For Scala / Java API, it is required only if you want to read HDF/NetCDF files.
HDF/NetCDF function is only supported in Spark RDD with Java/Scala API. The current function is deprecated and more mature support will be released soon.
Under BSD 3-clause (compatible with Apache 2.0 license)
Add HDF/NetCDF dependency
Add unidata repo to your POM.xml
<name>Unidata All</name>
Then add cdm-core to your POM dependency.
<!-- -->
SNAPSHOT versions¶
Sometimes Sedona has a SNAPSHOT version for the upcoming release. It follows the same naming conversion but has "SNAPSHOT" as suffix in the version. For example, 1.3.2-incubating-SNAPSHOT
In order to download SNAPSHOTs, you need to add the following repositories in your POM.XML or build.sbt
resolvers += "Apache Software Foundation Snapshots" at ""