Release notes
Sedona 1.2.0¶
This version is a major release on Sedona 1.2.0 line. It includes bug fixes and new features: Sedona with Apache Flink.
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-18: Fix an error reading Shapefile
- SEDONA-73: Exclude scala-library from scala-collection-compat
- SEDONA-77: Refactor Format readers and spatial partitioning functions to be standalone libraries. So they can be used by Flink and others.
New features:
- SEDONA-4: Handle nulls in SQL functions
- SEDONA-65: Create ST_Difference function
- SEDONA-68 Add St_Collect function.
- SEDONA-82: Create ST_SymmDifference function
- SEDONA-75: Add support for "3D" geometries: Preserve Z coordinates on geometries when serializing, ST_AsText , ST_Z, ST_3DDistance
- SEDONA-86: Support empty geometries in ST_AsBinary and ST_AsEWKB
Major update:
- SEDONA-80: Geospatial stream processing support in Flink Table API
- SEDONA-85: ST_Geohash function in Flink
- SEDONA-87: Support Flink Table and DataStream conversion
Sedona 1.1.1¶
This version is a maintenance release on Sedona 1.1.X line. It includes bug fixes and a few new functions.
New feature:
- SEDONA-73: Scala source code supports Scala 2.13
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-67: Support Spark 3.2
New features:
- SEDONA-43: Add ST_GeoHash and ST_GeomFromGeoHash
- SEDONA-45: Add ST_MakePolygon
Sedona 1.1.0¶
This version is a major release on Sedona 1.1.0 line. It includes bug fixes and new features: R language API, Raster data and Map algebra support
Dependency upgrade:
- SEDONA-30: Use Geotools-wrapper 1.1.0-24.1 to include geotools GeoTiff libraries.
Improvement on join queries in core and SQL:
- SEDONA-63: Skip empty partitions in NestedLoopJudgement
- SEDONA-64: Broadcast dedupParams to improve performance
Behavior change:
- SEDONA-62: Ignore HDF test in order to avoid NASA copyright issue
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-41: Fix rangeFilter bug when the leftCoveredByRight para is false
- SEDONA-53: Fix SpatialKnnQuery NullPointerException
Major update:
- SEDONA-30: Add GeoTiff raster I/O and Map Algebra function
New function:
- SEDONA-27: Add ST_Subdivide and ST_SubdivideExplode functions
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-56: Fix broadcast join with Adapter Query Engine enabled
- SEDONA-22, SEDONA-60: Fix join queries in SparkSQL when one side has no rows or only one row
- SEDONA-59: Make pyspark dependency of Sedona Python optional
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-50: Remove problematic logging conf that leads to errors on Databricks
- Fix the issue: Spark dependency in was configured to be < v3.1.0 by mistake.
Major update:
- SEDONA-31: Add R interface for Sedona
Sedona 1.0.1¶
This version is a maintenance release on Sedona 1.0.0 line. It includes bug fixes, some new features, one API change
Known issue¶
In Sedona v1.0.1 and eariler versions, the Spark dependency in was configured to be < v3.1.0 by mistake. When you install Sedona Python (apache-sedona v1.0.1) from Pypi, pip might unstall PySpark 3.1.1 and install PySpark 3.0.2 on your machine.
Three ways to fix this:
After install apache-sedona v1.0.1, unstall PySpark 3.0.2 and reinstall PySpark 3.1.1
Ask pip not to install Sedona dependencies:
pip install --no-deps apache-sedona
Install Sedona from the latest (on GitHub) manually.
Dependency upgrade:
- SEDONA-16: Use a GeoTools Maven Central wrapper to fix failed Jupyter notebook examples
- SEDONA-29: upgrade to Spark 3.1.1
- SEDONA-33: jts2geojson version from 0.14.3 to 0.16.1
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-35: Address user-data mutability issue with Adapter.toDF()
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-14: Saving dataframe to CSV or Parquet fails due to unknown type
- SEDONA-15: Add ST_MinimumBoundingRadius and ST_MinimumBoundingCircle functions
- SEDONA-19: Global indexing does not work with SQL joins
- SEDONA-20: Case object GeometryUDT and GeometryUDT instance not equal in Spark 3.0.2
New function:
- SEDONA-21: allows Sedona to be used in pure SQL environment
- SEDONA-24: Add ST_LineSubString and ST_LineInterpolatePoint
- SEDONA-26: Add broadcast join support
- SEDONA-32: Speed up ST_Render
API change:
- SEDONA-29: Upgrade to Spark 3.1.1 and fix ST_Pixelize
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-19: Global indexing does not work with SQL joins
Sedona 1.0.0¶
This version is the first Sedona release since it joins the Apache Incubator. It includes new functions, bug fixes, and API changes.
Key dependency upgrade:
- SEDONA-1: upgrade to JTS 1.18
- upgrade to GeoTools 24.0
- upgrade to jts2geojson 0.14.3
Key dependency packaging strategy change:
- JTS, GeoTools, jts2geojson are no longer packaged in Sedona jars. End users need to add them manually. See here.
Key compilation target change:
- SEDONA-3: Paths and class names have been changed to Apache Sedona
- SEDONA-7: build the source code for Spark 2.4, 3.0, Scala 2.11, 2.12, Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9. See here.
Bug fix:
- PR 443: read multiple Shape Files by multiPartitions
- PR 451 (API change): modify CRSTransform to ignore datum shift
New function:
- SEDONA-8: spatialRDD.flipCoordinates()
API / behavior change:
- PR 488: JoinQuery.SpatialJoinQuery/DistanceJoinQuery now returns
<Geometry, List>
instead of<Geometry, HashSet>
because we can no longer use HashSet in Sedona for duplicates removal. All original duplicates in both input RDDs will be preserved in the output.
Bug fix:
- SEDONA-8 (API change): ST_Transform slow due to lock contention. See here
- PR 427: ST_Point and ST_PolygonFromEnvelope now allows Double type
New function:
- PR 499: ST_Azimuth, ST_X, ST_Y, ST_StartPoint, ST_Boundary, ST_EndPoint, ST_ExteriorRing, ST_GeometryN, ST_InteriorRingN, ST_Dump, ST_DumpPoints, ST_IsClosed, ST_NumInteriorRings, ST_AddPoint, ST_RemovePoint, ST_IsRing
- PR 459: ST_LineMerge
- PR 460: ST_NumGeometries
- PR 469: ST_AsGeoJSON
- SEDONA-8: ST_FlipCoordinates
Behavior change:
- PR 480: Aggregate Functions rewrite for new Aggregator API. The functions can be used as typed functions in code and enable compilation-time type check.
API change:
- SEDONA-11: Adapter.toDf() will directly generate a geometry type column. ST_GeomFromWKT is no longer needed.
API change: Drop the function which can generate SVG vector images because the required library has an incompatible license and the SVG image is not good at plotting big data
Sedona Python¶
API/Behavior change:
- Python-to-Sedona adapter is moved to a separate module. To use Sedona Python, see here
New function:
- PR 448: Add support for partition number in spatialPartitioning function
spatial_rdd.spatialPartitioning(grid_type, NUM_PARTITION)
GeoSpark legacy release notes¶
This version includes the official release of GeoSpark Python wrapper. It also contains a number of bug fixes and new functions. The tutorial section provides some articles to explain the usage of GeoSpark Python wrapper.
GeoSpark Core
Bug fix:
- Issue #344 and PR #365: GeoJSON reader cannot handle "id"
- Issue #420 and PR #421: Cannot handle null value in geojson properties
- PR #422: Use HTTPS to resolve dependencies in Maven Build
New functions:
GeoSpark SQL
New functions:
- PR #359: ST_NPoints
- PR #373: ST_GeometryType
- PR #398: ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology
- PR #406: ST_MakeValid
- PR #416: ST_Intersection_aggr
Bug fix:
GeoSpark Viz
Bug fix:
GeoSpark Python
Add new GeoSpark python wrapper for RDD and SQL APIs
Contributors (12)
- Mariano Gonzalez
- Paweł Kociński
- Semen Komissarov
- Jonathan Leitschuh
- Netanel Malka
- Keivan Shahida
- Sachio Wakai
- Hui Wang
- Wrussia
- Jia Yu
- Harry Zhu
- Ilya Zverev
This release has been skipped due to a bug in GeoSpark Python wrapper.
This version contains numerous bug fixes, new functions, and new GeoSpark module.
License change
From MIT to Apache License 2.0
GeoSpark Core
Bug fix:
- Issue #224 load GeoJSON non-spatial attributes.
- Issue #228 Shapefiel Reader fails to handle UNDEFINED type.
- Issue #320 Read CSV ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
New functions:
- PR #270 #298 Add GeoJSON Reader to load GeoJSON with all attributes. See GeoSpark doc for an example.
- PR #314 Add WktReader and WkbReader. Their usage is simialr to GeoJSON reader.
GeoSpark SQL
Bug fix:
- Issue #244 JTS side location conflict
- Issue #245 Drop ST_Circle in 1.2.0
- Issue #288 ST_isValid fails
- Issue #321 ST_Point doesn't accept null user data
- PR #284 ST_Union_Aggr bug
- PR #331 Adapter doesn't handle null values
New SQL functions:
- ST_IsValid
- ST_PrecisionReduce
- ST_Touches
- ST_Overlaps
- ST_Equals
- ST_Crosses
- ST_IsSimple
- ST_AsText
Behavior / API change:
- GeoSpark Adapter will automatically carry all attributes between DataFrame and RDD. No need to use UUID in SQL ST functions to pass values. Please read GeoSpark doc.
GeoSpark Viz
Bug fix:
New functions
- Add the DataFrame support. Please read GeoSpark doc
- ST_Pixelize
- ST_TileName
- ST_Colorize
- ST_EncodeImage
- ST_Render
Behavior / API change
- GeoSparkViz Maven coordinate changed. You need to specify Spark version. Please read GeoSpark Maven coordinate
New functions
- Add the support of connecting GeoSpark and Zeppelin
- Add the support of connecting GeoSparkViz and Zeppelin
Contributors (13)
Anton Peniaziev, Avshalom Orenstein, Jia Yu, Jordan Perr-Sauer, JulienPeloton, Sergii Mikhtoniuk, Netanel Malka, Rishabh Mishra, sagar1993, Shi-Hao Liu, Serhuela, tociek, Wrussia
This version contains a critical bug fix for GeoSpark-core RDD API.
GeoSpark Core
GeoSpark SQL
GeoSpark Viz
This version contains several bug fixes and several small improvements.
GeoSpark Core
- Added WKB input format support (Issue #2, 213): See PR #203, 216. Thanks for the patch from Lucas C.!
- Added empty constructors for typed SpatialRDDs. This is especially useful when the users want to load a persisted RDD from disk and assemble a typed SpatialRDD by themselves. See PR #211
- Fixed Issue #214: duplicated geometry parts when print each Geometry in a SpatialRDD to a String using toString() method. See PR #216
GeoSpark SQL
- Added ST_GeomFromWKB expression (Issue #2): See PR #203. Thanks for the patch from Lucas C.!
- Fixed Issue #193: IllegalArgumentException in RangeJoin: Number of partitions must be >= 0. See PR #207
- Fixed Issue #204: Wrong ST_Intersection result. See PR #205
- [For Developer] Separate the expression catalog and the udf registrator to simplify the steps of merging patches among different Spark versions. See PR #209
GeoSpark Viz
This release has been skipped due to wrong Maven Central configuration.
This version adds very efficient R-Tree and Quad-Tree index serializers and supports Apache Spark and SparkSQL 2.3. See Maven Central coordinate to locate the particular version.
GeoSpark Core
- Fixed Issue #185: CRStransform throws Exception for Bursa wolf parameters. See PR #189.
- Fixed Issue #190: Shapefile reader doesn't support Chinese characters (中文字符). See PR #192.
- Add R-Tree and Quad-Tree index serializer. GeoSpark custom index serializer has around 2 times smaller index size and faster serialization than Apache Spark kryo serializer. See PR #177.
GeoSpark SQL
- Fixed Issue #194: doesn't support Spark 2.3.
- Fixed Issue #188:ST_ConvexHull should accept any type of geometry as an input. See PR #189.
- Add ST_Intersection function. See Issue #110 and PR #189.
GeoSpark Viz
GeoSpark Core
- Fixed Issue #170
GeoSpark SQL
- Fixed Issue #171
- Added the support of SparkSQL 2.2. GeoSpark-SQL for Spark 2.1 is published separately (Maven Coordinates).
GeoSpark Viz None
GeoSpark Core
- Add GeoSparkConf class to read GeoSparkConf from SparkConf
GeoSpark SQL
- Initial release: fully supports SQL/MM-Part3 Spatial SQL standard
GeoSpark Viz
- Republish GeoSpark Viz under "GeoSparkViz" folder. All "Babylon" strings have been replaced to "GeoSparkViz"
v0.9.1 (GeoSpark-core)¶
- Bug fixes: Fixed "Missing values when reading Shapefile": Issue #141
- Performance improvement: Solved Issue #91, #103, #104, #125, #150.
- Add GeoSpark customized Kryo Serializer to significantly reduce memory footprint. This serializer which follows Shapefile compression rule takes less memory than the default Kryo. See PR 139.
- Delete the duplicate removal by using Reference Point concept. This eliminates one data shuffle but still guarantees the accuracy. See PR 131.
- New Functionalities added:
- SpatialJoinQueryFlat/DistanceJoinQueryFlat returns the join query in a flat way following database iteration model: Each row has fixed two members [Polygon, Point]. This API is more efficient for unbalanced length of join results.
- The left and right shapes in Range query, Distance query, Range join query, Distance join query can be switched.
- The index side in Range query, Distance query, Range join query, Distance join query can be switched.
- The generic SpatialRdd supports heterogenous geometries
- Add KDB-Tree spatial partitioning method which is more balanced than Quad-Tree
- Range query, Distance query, Range join query, Distance join query, KNN query supports heterogenous inputs.
v0.8.2 (GeoSpark-core)¶
- Bug fixes: Fix the shapefile RDD null pointer bug when running in cluster mode. See Issue
- New function added: Provide granular control to SpatialRDD sampling utils. SpatialRDD has a setter and getter for a parameter called "sampleNumber". The user can manually specify the sample size for spatial partitioning.
v0.8.1 (GeoSpark-core)¶
- Bug fixes: (1) Fix the blank DBF attribute error when load DBF along with SHX file. (2) Allow user to call CRS transformation function at any time. Previously, it was only allowed in GeoSpark constructors
v0.8.0 (GeoSpark-core)¶
- New input format added: GeoSpark is able to load and query ESRI ShapeFile (.shp, .shx, .dbf) from local disk and HDFS! Users first need to build a Shapefile RDD by giving Spark Context and an input path then call ShapefileRDD.getSpatialRDD to retrieve Spatial RDD. (Scala Example, Java Example)
- Join Query Performance enhancement 1: GeoSpark provides a new Quad-Tree Spatial Partitioning method to speed up Join Query. Users need to pass GridType.QUADTREE parameter to RDD1.spatialPartitioning() function. Then users need to use RDD1.partitionTree in RDD2.spatialPartitioning() function. This Quad-Tree partitioning method (1) avoids overflowed spatial objects when partitioning spatial objects. (2) checking a spatial object against the Quad-Tree grids is completed in a log complexity tree search. (Scala Example, Java Example)
- Join Query Performance enhancement 2: Internally, GeoSpark uses zipPartitions instead of CoGroup to join two Spatial RDD so that the incurred shuffle overhead decreases.
- SpatialRDD Initialization Performance enhancement: GeoSpark uses mapPartition instead of flatMapToPair to generate Spatial Objects. This will speed up the calculation.
- API changed: Since it chooses mapPartition API in mappers, GeoSpark no longer supports the old user supplified format mapper. However, if you are using your own format mapper for old GeoSpark version, you just need to add one more loop to fit in GeoSpark 0.8.0. Please see GeoSpark user supplied format mapper examples
- Alternative SpatialRDD constructor added: GeoSpark no longer forces users to provide StorageLevel parameter in their SpatialRDD constructors. This will siginicantly accelerate all Spatial RDD initialization.
- If he only needs Spatial Range Query and KNN query, the user can totally remove this parameter from their constructors.
- If he needs Spatial Join Query or Distance Join Query but he knows his dataset boundary and approximate total count, the user can also remove StorageLevel parameter and append a Envelope type dataset boundary and an approxmiate total count as additional parameters.
- If he needs Spatial Join Query or Distance Join Query but knows nothing about his dataset, the user still has to pass StorageLevel parameter.
- Bug fix: Fix bug Issue #97 and Issue #100.
v0.1 - v0.7¶
Version | Summary |
0.7.0 | Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Transformation (aka. Coordinate projection) added: GeoSpark allows users to transform the original CRS (e.g., degree based coordinates such as EPSG:4326 and WGS84) to any other CRS (e.g., meter based coordinates such as EPSG:3857) so that it can accurately process both geographic data and geometrical data. Please specify your desired CRS in GeoSpark Spatial RDD constructor (Example); Unnecessary dependencies removed: NetCDF/HDF support depends on SerNetCDF. SetNetCDF becomes optional dependency to reduce fat jar size; Default JDK/JRE change to JDK/JRE 1.8: To satisfy CRS transformation requirement, GeoSpark is compiled by JDK 1.8 by default; Bug fix: fix a small format bug when output spatial RDD to disk. |
0.6.2 | New input format added: Add a new input format mapper called EarthdataHDFPointMapper so that GeoSpark can load, query and save NASA Petabytes NetCDF/HDF Earth Data (Scala Example,Java Example); Bug fix: Print UserData attribute when output Spatial RDDs as GeoJSON or regular text file |
0.6.1 | Bug fixes: Fix typos LineString DistanceJoin API |
0.6.0 | Major updates: (1) DistanceJoin is merged into JoinQuery. GeoSpark now supports complete DistanceJoin between Points, Polygons, and LineStrings. (2) Add Refine Phase to Spatial Range and Join Query. Use real polygon coordinates instead of its MBR to filter the final results. API changes: All spatial range and join queries now take a parameter called ConsiderBoundaryIntersection. This will tell GeoSpark whether returns the objects intersect with windows. |
0.5.3 | Bug fix: Fix Issue #69: Now, if two objects have the same coordinates but different non-spatial attributes (UserData), GeoSpark treats them as different objects. |
0.5.2 | Bug fix: Fix Issue #58 and Issue #60; Performance enhancement: (1) Deprecate all old Spatial RDD constructors. See the JavaDoc here. (2) Recommend the new SRDD constructors which take an additional RDD storage level and automatically cache rawSpatialRDD to accelerate internal SRDD analyze step |
0.5.1 | Bug fix: (1) GeoSpark: Fix inaccurate KNN result when K is large (2) GeoSpark: Replace incompatible Spark API call Issue #55; (3) Babylon: Remove JPG output format temporarily due to the lack of OpenJDK support |
0.5.0 | Major updates: We are pleased to announce the initial version of Babylon a large-scale in-memory geospatial visualization system extending GeoSpark. Babylon and GeoSpark are integrated together. You can just import GeoSpark and enjoy! More details are available here: Babylon GeoSpatial Visualization |
0.4.0 | Major updates: (Example) 1. Refactor constrcutor API usage. 2. Simplify Spatial Join Query API. 3. Add native support for LineStringRDD; Functionality enhancement: 1. Release the persist function back to users. 2. Add more exception explanations. |
0.3.2 | Functionality enhancement: 1. JTSplus Spatial Objects now carry the original input data. Each object stores "UserData" and provides getter and setter. 2. Add a new SpatialRDD constructor to transform a regular data RDD to a spatial partitioned SpatialRDD. |
0.3.1 | Bug fix: Support Apache Spark 2.X version, fix a bug which results in inaccurate results when doing join query, add more unit test cases |
0.3 | Major updates: Significantly shorten query time on spatial join for skewed data; Support load balanced spatial partitioning methods (also serve as the global index); Optimize code for iterative spatial data mining |
0.2 | Improve code structure and refactor API |
0.1 | Support spatial range, join and Knn |
GeoSpark-Viz (old)¶
Version | Summary |
0.2.2 | Add the support of new output storage: Now the user is able to output gigapixel or megapixel resolution images (image tiles or stitched single image) to HDFS and Amazon S3. Please use the new ImageGenerator not the BabylonImageGenerator class. |
0.2.1 | Performance enhancement: significantly accelerate single image generation pipeline. Bug fix:fix a bug in scatter plot parallel rendering. |
0.2.0 | API updates for Issue #80: 1. Babylon now has two different OverlayOperators for raster image and vector image: RasterOverlayOperator and VectorOverlayOperator; 2. Babylon merged old SparkImageGenerator and NativeJavaGenerator into a new BabylonImageGenerator which has neat APIs; New feature: Babylon can use Scatter Plot to visualize NASA Petabytes NetCDF/HDF format Earth Data. (Scala Example,Java Example) |
0.1.1 | Major updates: Babylon supports vector image and outputs SVG image format |
0.1.0 | Major updates: Babylon initial version supports raster images |